Monday Madness

What a way to start the week

You know that story about this Monday starting off smoothly? Yeah, me neither.. Gosh this was one for the books for me. This Monday went shit from the moment that I opened my eyes for the first time and it has been quite shit so far honestly. Funnily enough, before driving out of the garage my daughter asked me will it be horrible all day? Guess she jinxed it lol.

Battery died

So I usually turn on some binaural beats during the night to fall asleep as I love the vibrations sounds and it often calms me so that I stop thinking about 5000 things at once. When I'm ill, I will use some of these healing sounds that are directed at certain problems or health issues. This was not the case last night though. I always charge my phone before I go to bed, except I forgot yesterday, so it turned out at 4.30 AM in the morning when I woke up and checked my phone. Ugh, damn it now I needed to get out and grab my charger which was inside, surely the cats will be all over me lol and I was not ready to get up yet.


I had a hard time keeping my eyes open until my phone was charged enough to be turned on again. I couldn't risk falling asleep and missing the alarm because the kid needed to go to school. When it finally did, I closed my eyes and fell asleep again.

Damn it! Then I woke up with pain in my stomach, horrible cramps.. Luckily for me I fell asleep after 30 minutes of twisting and turning but that's just not a fun way to start the day, is it?

The dreaded alarm

Then it was 7.45 and I woke up before the dreaded alarm, I snoozed in a bit longer until it went off. I already felt this day was going to be fabulous. Thankfully for me, the little girl worked with me and we were able to leave the house in time to get to school. So surely she would be there in time, right?

Commuting to school

So normally it's a 4 minute (more or less) drive to school. The only option I have is to do it by car because of the uphill situation and having shitty knees that don't do well with this hill walking. I requested a school transfer to the school around the corner after moving, but it was rejected so we will have to deal with it for the rest of the year, it is what it is. I will be happy when I can walk her to school again though, so much easier, lol.

Wtf is going on here?

We drove around the corner and this whole street was full with cars, not the usual situation, then the road where we need to turn left to, also one big traffic jam. I first thought shit, this must have something to do with the park they're constructing and roads are probably closed. When one van left a few meters space open, I quickly manoeuvred the car in between and decided tomorrow I will surely drive around this thing.

Too late!

Now I didn't really bother being late because I saw it was jammed on every side, so I was quite sure that many kids would be late and they knew the situation by now. Sadly for me the gate was closed so I had to personally drop her off through reception which was a smooth thing, thankfully. No questions asked even. Love it!

Let's drive around this madness

I was not planning on heading to Carrefour today but then I figured if I go there, I will enter the town from the other side, and surely the jams are not reaching that point. This genius drove past our old home (always a nice reminder how much of an upgrade this house is lol) only to find out there that the highway was jammed too (the road where I drove is parallel to it).. I was amazed to see the road being packed all the way to the Carrefour (which means a long long part!) and the roundabouts were madness too.

What happened?

I was afraid this meant that the farmers protests were going on here too because surely this can't be because of an accident if it's jamming up our town as well as the surroundings all the way to the big city. Thankfully, on my way back, I was lucky to avoid most of the traffic thanks to driving on the emptier side going back to town, I only had a 5 minute delay there until I skipped the big road as a whole to drive through the little streets until I arrived home. Oof, thankfully!

Neighbour to the rescue

In the garage, I greeted a neighbour who was about to leave so I told him traffic is horrible at the moment. He told me yes it's because of an accident. I wished him luck and off he went. Then my friend who I just sent a message before driving home answered my message (she hears a lot so this is my first source to ask, lol) by saying there have been 2 mayor accidents one on one side of town to hers and one on the highway and then people are delaying because of checking the accidents (sigh).

It took hours to clear!

By the time school was about to end, things were cleared up again and everything went back to normal. I'm happy (not for those in the accident of course) that it's not something caused by road constructions or protests because I already had a headache thinking about tomorrow, lol.

This really messed up my day

I don't do well on days that start unexpectedly bad or with things causing delay in my personal planning. These days cause me to be less efficient and I hate it. But what to do, these things happen, thankfully there's always tomorrow!

Have a good evening and I hope your Monday was better than mine :)

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