Ten HSBI and two DUO Token Giveaway Week 26!

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far. Here it has been unseasonably hot, but that is supposed to be gone in a couple of days and back to normal September weather here in southern California. I can't wait to be honest, but hot spells come with the territory living around here.

Today is my weekly ten HSBI giveaway just like every Sunday. I find it's always nice to give back to the Hive community. So many of you have done so much for me over the last year and a half and it really is greatly appreciated.

Last week I posed the question of what new TV show or movie has been your favorite of this year. Oddly people seemed to find this question rather difficult. I did get some interesting answers and I'll highlight a few of them. One was "Alien: Romulus" which I haven't seen but I've seen so many of the Alien movies over the years I feel like I know what to expect. Maybe it will be better than I anticipate, I hope so!


Another one was "House of the Dragon". Once again something I have yet to see so I can't really comment one this one. It seems to have gotten good ratings so maybe it's worth diving into when I get some free time. It's always fun finding something new to enjoy!


Some others I got were "Deadpool and Wolverine", but only one which surprised me since it has been such a popular movie. It's one I'll be watching once it come out on streaming. Another series mention was "Dark Winds" which sound interesting. It's about mysterious events on the Navajo reservation, and sounds kind of paranormal which I usually enjoy. So I may give it a go, I think I saw the banner for it on Netflix or Amazon, my memory must be slipping since I can't remember where....

Well, onto to today's contest! Being rather warm to day it got me pondering... What is your favorite season? And why?

I've always kind of enjoyed spring and fall personally. Fall is really beautiful in areas where the leaves change colors. The east coast of the US is beautiful this time of year. If it weren't for the cold and snow that soon follows I wouldn't mind living there again!

The Giveaway

I will be giving out two prizes of five (5) HSBI. Third prize will be 2 DUO tokens, the token I recently launched with @bulliontools and @bitcoinman . It offers those who stake sufficient tokens daily curation on quality posts, dividends, and a tipping bot. It also helps to onboard and retain new Hive members. At the end of the post there is a link to the white paper and where to purchase the tokens. There will also be one legendary Splinterlands card as a fourth prize. If you don't play Splinterlands just let me know and I'll send you an HSBI instead. To participate you need a reputation level of at least 25 and bots cannot win. And please one entry per person to make it fair to everyone.

If you have more questions about DUO feel free to ask, it's growth is exceeding all of our expectations!

Legendary Splinterlands card up for grabs this next week:

Djinn Oshannus, I still have a few to give out! One of the better reward cards they have ever created!

If you would like to be placed on a weekly reminder list just let me know and I'll make sure you get tagged each week. The list so far is rather short:


How to Enter

Every week this will change. I'm looking for engagement rather than just saying "I am in". There is no need to upvote or re-blog, although if you choose to do so I would appreciate it. This week's question is an easy one:
What is your favorite season? And why?


If you are unfamiliar with the prize you can learn more here:


Or check out my recent post:


Choosing the Winners

All valid entries will be placed on the Wheel of Names and I will spin it four times. The first prize will be 5 HSBI units. The second prize will be another 5 HSBI units. And the third prize will be two DUO tokens. Fourth prize is a legendary Splinterlands card or one HSBI unit! And since I am spinning the same wheel four times in a row it is theoretically possible for the same person to win all four prizes! Although I have yet to see it happen, maybe this week?


One week from today which will be Sunday September 15, 2024 at 12 PM California Pacific Time.

Now to choose last week's lucky winners!

And the first spin!

Congratulations @silvertop ! You have won five HSBI units! Not his first win, this lucky guy has pulled off another first place finish!

And the second spin!

Congratulations @moonthumb ! You have won 5 HSBI units! Last week @moonthumb won two DUO tokens, this week some HSBI. You're on a lucky streak!

And the third spin!

Congratulations @coolmidwestguy , you have won two DUO tokens!

Last but not least, the fourth spin

Congratulations @ekavieka ! You have won either the Splinterlands card or one HSBI. Because I know you don't play I'll go ahead and send off the HSBI to you!

That will wrap up the post for today, once again congratulations to the lucky winners for this week. Thank you everyone for all of your support. It really is greatly appreciated! I hope you all enjoy this little project of mine and that it's helping some of you out. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I look forward to seeing what kind of answers I'm going to see on this question! Hopefully people won't struggle with this one as much as they did last weeks question...

And since I am posting this in the #freecompliments community, I just want to remind everyone to take a few minutes to be kind today. Your kindness can make a big difference in someone's life!


Header generated with ideogram.ai

Splinterlands card image is property of Splinterlands

I am part of the management team of the DUO token

DUO token

This is a brand new token from the Hive Onboarding Committee (HOC). It offers curation, dividends, and a tipping bot for those who stake enough tokens. The overall purpose of the token is to stack enough HP to be able to assist the HOC in onboarding and retaining new members to Hive.

Please check out the white paper: @hive-193566/duo-white-paper

You can find DUO for sale here:


If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

I'm a proud member of The Alliance Family!

The HOC is all about onboarding and supporting new Hive members

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