My Week in Review for 9/7/2024, A Fantastic Week!

It has been a wild week here for Hive. It's remarkable that we have managed to hold onto a price of $0.16 considering the losses BTC has suffered so far this September. September seems to be holding true to it's curse on cryptocurrency prices. Just take a look at these charts from, Hive on top then BTC below.

BTC has taken a bigger hit that Hive in the last couple of days, so I guess we should be somewhat grateful that Hive is holding it's own for the time being!

Because it's Saturday it's time for another Saturday Savers post where I discuss my goals and progress toward them. I've had a great week and I'm inching ever closer to dolphin status!

Lets jump into the numbers...

Hive Power

I have had an awesome week in this category. I just passed a large psychological barrier on my way towards the goal line. As of the time of writing up this post I'm currently at 4,500 Hive Power, which is an increase of 140 since last week. It puts me at 90% of my goal which is 5,000 HP before year's end. Now I really can taste that 5K HP, and I'm pumped up to make it the rest of the way there ASAP!

I am continuing my growth as organically as possible. I want to prove that you can reach dolphin status without bringing in large chunks of your own money. The way I see it my success story will make it easier to onboard and retain new members. As a member of the DUO token team and Hive Onboarding Committee we focus on those two goals. The more people we can bring in and retain the more all our accounts can grow!


I always mention DUO token because it's a token that I helped create along with @bitcoinman and @bulliontools . As I mentioned above we see a real need to onboard and retain new members in order for Hive to flourish. DUO will support new members and help retain them by delegating part of it's HP to the Hive Onboarding Committee to provide curation and support for those new to Hive. Not only does it help new members but it rewards token stakers generously as well. Once you have 200 DUO staked you are eligible for a daily curation on your quality posts and daily Hive dividends. The more you hold the better the rewards! Plus starting at 500 staked DUO you can use the tipping bot call to reward other's quality posts, and in return you receive the same amount of DUO staked in your account. It pays to give tips with DUO!

I currently have about 840 myself, and will be increasing my holdings significantly as the year progresses. Since Hive is currently so inexpensive it is a great time to buy DUO. Right now the price of one DUO in one Hive at least until the current tranche sell out when they will jump to 1.5 Hive a piece. So make sure to buy in early!


This was my secondary goal of the year, but prices jumped on me making it more expensive. I'm still working on this goal and currently hold just over 28.4K. I have a long road to haul on this one still, hopefully I can make it!


A few weeks ago I added LEO to the goals for the year, shooting for 1,500 staked this year. I have just over 1,070 right now and continue to keep all the tokens I earn through posting to continue growing my LEO stake. With any luck I'll make it all the way to 1,500 organically as well!


My goal was to achieve 2,000 HSBI this year, I've exceeded that goal by 714! So I'm thrilled to see these numbers continue to climb!

I'm up 64 units on the week, not too bad for not really focusing on them.

Like always I like to provide some more information on HSBI for those who are new to them or to Hive. I also have left a link below to my weekly 10 HSBI giveaway. Just answer the weekly question and you are entered into the drawing which takes place tomorrow, so be sure to enter! I also give out two DUO tokens and a legendary Splinterlands card.

Here's that info on HSBI:

The HSBI program provides periodic upvotes on your posts, and the more you have the more frequent the upvote and bigger as well. If you want more information you can read my post about it here:


Last year I had exactly 11 HSBI units and so I decided to start a re-blog lottery giving away units daily. After awhile that got to be a lot of extra work so now I just do a weekly giveaway. But I also sponsor events throughout the week to help out others and built my stake as well. Those events include Shadow Hunters, Three Tune Tuesday, and #NinetiesFriday in addition to my weekly ten HSBI giveaway.


If you have questions about the events above feel free to ask, my favorite currently is #ninetiesfriday where you can share anything from the 1990's. Your imagination is the limit! One lucky winner will win six HSBI every week, three from @geneeverett and three from me.


I continue to hold just over one million SIM. This is a great token because it pays out daily liquid Hive as dividends to holders. You can also put them in a liquidity pool and earn rewards and continue to get the daily Hive dividends in addition to perks from the LP. I also play to game which makes investing in SIM even better, I just have to be careful not to buy too many in game assets each week to make sure I stay over the one million mark.

I do want to increase this by about another million, but that will happen after reaching more of my goals above!

Other Tokens

No changes here, just continuing to collect EDS, DBOND, and DAB. I have both my DBONDs and DABs staked, so the staked DBOND produces more DAB, and the staked DAB produces more DBOND. So they are slowly growing. EDS I'm just continuing to hold just about 100.


Silver has had a rollercoaster of a week. It's hanging on to about that $28 level but was pushing towards $30 again but was promptly slapped back down. I think it's still a great time to buy silver with the prices slightly down, buying the dip if you will. Silver will always have value no matter what happens in the world. As unstable as thing are right now it's not a bad idea to have some silver and gold.

silver over the last five days, chart from

Each week I've been showing some nice coins or rounds available for investment and current pricing. This week is not made by a government but it is still solid silver. Liberty silver rounds currently have a $3.49 premium above spot at


They are nice silver that comes at a great price. At the moment they are $31.65 on Apmex. Not a bad price for some beautiful silver!

If you are interested in precious metals the #silvergoldstackers community may be right for you. We share silver and gold items with each other, and even if you don't have any precious metals to share you can still participate and learn!

That will do it for my post for this week's #saturdaysavers report. It's been a great week and I'm excited to make that last push up to dolphin status in HP. Only five hundred to go! I want to thank everyone for all of your support, it really does mean a lot to me. Without it I never would have been able to come close to where I am now in achieving my goals. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them below and have a great weekend!

And since I'm posting this in the #freecompliments community I just wanted to remind everyone to take a minute and be kind today!


I am not a financial planner and this isn't financial advice. Please always do your own research before investing your money. You worked hard enough to earn it!

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DUO token

This is a brand new token from the Hive Onboarding Committee (HOC). It offers curation, dividends, and a tipping bot for those who stake enough tokens. The overall purpose of the token is to stack enough HP to be able to assist the HOC in onboarding and retaining new members to Hive.

Please check out the white paper: @hive-193566/duo-white-paper

You can find DUO for sale here:

If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers

I'm a proud member of The Alliance Family!

The HOC is all about onboarding and supporting new Hive members

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