Mentally Fit | Show No Sign Of Weakness

From the first day I started working out, I have never wanted to stop. The reason is that I am always feeling much better after every session physically, mentally and emotionally. It's like the way monks in the monastery see meditation, they can never have enough of it. That's the way I see working out.

When I was young, I have always hated seeing other people being bullied, and this got me thinking about when I might be faced with a similar situation.

For this reason, I had always made it a habit to do pushups before heading out to school. The feeling back then was just to survive an all-boys school that's filled with never-ending violence every single day. It is challenging to see a day without some seniors trying to take advantage of you. Even your peers that are older and more built physically than you will want to take their chance.

In my first year in college I heard about numerous stories and tales that no one is an exception to being bullied, in fact, there are some seniors blocks, especially the ss3 boys, where no one is allowed to be seen loitering around if you're wearing shorts, meaning you're still a junior.

But I didn't even give it a thought because I thought it was just some stories that is used to create fear in new students like me, not until the day I had a first-hand experience that goes in the line of me being called to run some errand for some seniors, but they didn't give me the complete money to get what they said.

As a good boy, that I was back then, I requested for more money, and they immediately ordered me to give them one of my sandals, or they will beat me up. They were three and none of the teachera was around to cry out to at that moment, so I just had to give it to them and later go run the errand. I certainly added some money from my purse to get them everything they wanted.

However, after this incident I never let the older folks treat me anyhow anymore. I don't have a well-built muscles at that time, but my daily pushups gave me confidence to say no, which got me into trouble sometimes and most times I was freed due to my courageous spirit and not showing any sign of weakness.

The first time was probably due to my fear of what might happen if i didn't go to them, but after that incident I never answered anyone anymore, no matter what. And when I get confronted I stand on my ground without fear, to the point where my friends started seeing me as someone that cant be bullied by anyone.

It was all a facade anyways but it saved me in a lot of situation compared to my peers who are even more built physically than me but mentally weak. They show weakness on front of the seniors and that made them a prime target for these types of scandals.

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