Your life story

Do you want to document your life for your future generations? You write a regular diary about your life and now want to compile it into a book?

It is not easy to write your story for the world to read. You feel vulnerable in front of the whole world. Some people write a memoir instead of their whole life story. You can write about a special event or experience of your life with a specific theme.

You must have read other people's memoirs and found it fascinating. A learning experience and sometimes you relate to it. The best stories are the ones which make you feel related to it. You remember that at some point in life you also went through the same experience the author has gone through.

The best author knows how to keep their readers interested enough to keep turning pages. You can follow a plot to write your life story. That can keep you from repeating the same scene again and again.

Every successful story revolves around a tailored plot. People are used to reading and feeling the way that plot makes them feel. A person going through some bad experience then everything gets better or a good life turns bad due to something bad happened.

There are three types of life story books. A memoir, autobiography or a biography. There is a huge difference in all of them.

I always wanted to write my life story to reflect upon. I want to write and read it as a third person to point out all the mistakes and the places where I went wrong. It may help me accept the things which are hard to accept at the moment. I want to heal and move on. I want to forgive myself for choosing the things I choose that turned out wrong.

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