The Ripple of Happiness...

Happiness is the flash of lights, a shades; it is as water which oscillation never ceases in the ocean of life. It seems from time to time as something out of the normal, but in fact it’s always close by and always arrives when it’s convenient or even better wanted.

For this reason the happiness that is involved is magical or rather bare-boned happiness; this is because it is only for a moment. Each flash of happiness, no matter how short-lived, becomes a message left on the soul of mankind, regarding certain aspects of life as having certain number of results when being happy.

The promise of happiness is to place a stone into water to stir a ripple in the life of the recipient, and to return, the ripple flows to the person who gives happiness.

The power of positive communication sources is enormous Little things, like helping someone or just giving them a compliment or smiling at them can make a massive difference to their lives.

To us it may not be at all a challenge, to the others may be simply the efforts, time and or money. There are many things in this world that can anger and bring depression, but the concept of happy can be a ray of light that will show you the way.

How lovely does a friend feel when you were pleased to note that this was their favorite song and put a full playlist for them to have some joy? Dive into that joy that a stranger feels as you’ve accepted to assist them or the feeling a hungry person gets upon being fed.
They are essentially constructive or expressive of a sense: that such moments as having fun are really fulfilling or poignant.

They make us think and realize that every person is only mortal and inside all of them there is a tendency towards will for the best. This simple formula which is the foundation to put up the world of happy souls is sung ,over and over again whenever a human being is given happiness and turn into a web of compassion and love.

Happiness has no code he quantity of it rises in the calibre of the sharing. It is a purposeful way of sharing happiness and as a result, we are bringing positive change or mere influence in the people around us. And that is so in all the only-small-acting things that is the sweetness of life; the relations that are formed.

Therefore, it is our turn to try to be of help, to be a source of happiness to those who are going through the ordeals of life.

In this way, the value of their life and other people’s lives they meet in the entire life cycle is boosted, creating a positive legacy that runs in the generation cycle of those whose hearts they have touched. .

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