Hot Ramyun-Mami at MS Cafe on a Rainy Evening

One of our comfort foods on a cold, rainy day is hot noodles with soup. I don't know if it's universal but our tastebuds and tummies tend to seek hot meals when the weather is grey. While we don't make them at home nowadays, we enjoy them when we are out. The most recent was on Monday evening when we were on the road, returning from an uncle's place.

It was past 7 pm and we were still halfway home so we decided to stop by the Mar San Cafe for a meal. We had been there once earlier this year and enjoyed their baby back ribs so we thought we could check it out again.

We didn't have to think about what to have as we both wanted something steaming hot.

And so we got a bowl of spicy Ramyun for him (left pic above), and Mami (pronounced as MAH-mee) for me. We also ordered a serving of their Gimbap, which while the rice was overcooked, each slice was tasty nonetheless (a hungry stomach never complains, lol)! But yes, they were good that the hubby almost consumed them all while I was so busy feeding our Lil Guy. At least he left 4 pieces for me, haha!

You can probably tell that the bowls are huge and filled nearly to the brim. The servings were generous. The Mami (left pic below) had slices of pork, veggies (carrots and cabbages), a whole boiled egg and of course, the mami (flat wheat noodles) in a tasty, flavorful broth which made us think they had a secret ingredient as we could not identify the aroma./div>

Our meals were served after 15 minutes or so as there were no other diners at that time. Their speakers were loud though so the hubby took it upon himself to lower the volume. The cashier smiled when he realized what happened, lol!

While their playlist was to our liking (classic love tunes by local artists), we didn't want to hurt our eardrums, plus we could not enjoy our meal when the music volume was up.

Anyway, below is Yongi's pic from our first visit. That's one of the things we liked about the Cafe. They don't say no to pets.

Our Verdict?

We were full and satisfied and the overall experience was nice. It is an awesome and cozy place just along the road and that wouldn't be our last time. They still have various foods on their menu that we didn't try so there will be a next visit for sure! And last but not least, their staff are amiable!

All pictures are mine. 18092024/23:57utc

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