A Wee Bit of Fun in CBC [Fun Fridays]

Hello, Friday!

The weekend is coming as it usually does. Although I'm not looking forward to it as it is similar to the normal weekdays, I can't help but get surprised and mesmerized by how quickly time passes.

Today, let us visit CBC town through some photos. One thing we often do when going out and about is to enjoy things along the way. We don't just focus on where we are heading but we make sure to also have fun through sights and sceneries or at times, we do stop or pullover whenever we can and breathe the air.

Waterfalls are fascinating to see, like the ones we sighted (above pic and below too) as we traversed the long, winding road of CBC.

This rocky side of the road is a sight to behold but dangerous, especially on rainy days. The rocks roll and fall without any warning. My imagination got wild it made my spine shiver.


An interesting crossroad, the route on the left is quite inviting as it looked less-traveled. Perhaps one of the country's TV programs (GMA Kapuso) has visited the place for it had its name on the signpost. We didn't take it though, maybe next time :)


Along the farms is the Upside Down Cafe & Homestay. We would have stopped and had coffee or even a meal like we did the last time we drove past it, but somehow, it felt like the place had lost its luster (at least to me).


The vastness of their farmlands is breathtaking. I'm always drawn to the rows and rows of plots, green and brown. It makes me feel small in the middle of all these fields. It's the same way when I'm in the woods amongst tall trees.


And a sunset always makes my heart warm, peaceful, and hopeful. The hubby knew he stepped on the brake and we savored the tranquility of the moment by the roadside.



Enjoying sights, capturing photos, sharing tales, and creating memories - some form of fun we do now and then. Today, we are heading out, not to explore places but to visit our loved ones in the other town. Perhaps the journey will give us a story to tell tomorrow.

Until then, have a terrific day, frens!

All pictures are mine. 26092024/23:45utc

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