Sunday Reflection; The Power Of Intentional Living.

It's a beautiful Sunday morning, and it surely feels great to be alive again. I always say that the gift of life is the most underrated blessing in the world, but it means a whole lot to me regardless of whatever I am going through in life. Without this gift, I wouldn't even be able to share this Sunday reflection of mine since I can't learn from the past or make adjustments for the future.

Seeing a new day is an invaluable blessing to me, and it's the foundation of every other blessing, so yes, it's a big deal for me.

It's a new week again, and reflecting on the previous week has been a tradition for me even though I don't make a post about it. It is one of my practices to stay in track with our growth, learn from mistakes, and as well make adjustments for the new week. The previous week was a fantastic one if I am being sincere with myself and being intentional made a huge difference in how it went.

Prioritizing my health is one thing I always take very seriously, but I was lacking in one area of staying fit.

Every morning, I cover a short distance either by walking or jogging within my neighborhood. It's always short, and even though I know it wasn't enough, I do tell myself that doing it short is better than not doing it at all. I might be right, but on a bigger picture, I have the power to do more and should be doing more to stay in shape physically and mentally as well.

Last week, I thought about it thoroughly and became more intentional. It wasn't easy taking on a new challenge, but like I said, being intentional helped me stay true to my goal. It all started on Wednesday evening, and I had to download the Google Fit app to keep track of my progress.

Screenshot from Google fit

Embracing this new challenge caused a few changes in my daily activities, which was expected, but it's all for the best, and I know things will definitely get better if I do not stop trying to improve on myself.

Life looks quite simple when we remain in our comfort zone, but a little step outside would make us realize that there are a whole lot of things we are missing out on.

In addition to being more intentional, I took my morning meditation a lot seriously, and taking that morning work turned out to be a huge boost of motivation. Since I am on the move, I listen to motivational podcasts instead of my regular music, and absorbing those messages has been beneficial.

The simple growth I experienced this week opened my eyes to how being more intentional can make a huge difference for me in different areas of my life. I realized there are a whole lot of things I am capable of, but somehow I have restricted myself to being comfortable with things I am used to.

For the new week, I intend to keep up with my new fitness routine while ensuring that it doesn't affect my regular daily activities. They are both important to me, so leaving one out to keep another wouldn't make any sense.

To make that work, I have to trim down my daily activities the best way I can so that my new fitness routine wouldn't be a hindrance to the important things I need to do daily.

In conclusion, this week reminded me that real growth doesn't happen within our comfort zone, and it takes extra effort to experience extraordinary changes. My mindset and habits have shifted significantly in the last few days, all thanks to me being intentional about what matters and taking those bold steps towards accomplishing them.

As I mentioned earlier, I intend to keep up with my commitment and journey with improving myself, embracing challenges, and, above all, putting my wellbeing first. I want to use this opportunity to encourage everyone of us to do the same thing. It doesn't necessarily have to be the same thing I am doing; there is definitely something about ourselves that we can do better. Just make the decision, take action, and see what difference they will make in your life.

Let's always remember that life is a gift, and it's important that we make the most of it when we still have the privilege to do so.

All Image are mine except stated otherwise.

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