General Complimenting Guidelines


In order to improve the experience of our members, here are a list of guidelines to help you make better compliments.

  1. Empathy - remember that you're mainly here to provide understanding and support.

  2. If applicable, acknowledge that the person is going through a difficult time. If they've been through a similar experience before, it's excellent to acknowledge that they've already had the strength to get through their ordeal before. If they haven't, acknowledge that prior life experiences can help, that they're not alone, that have a support network, etc.
    Additionally, if applicable, acknowledge that your experiences are not identical to theirs. No two people have identical experiences, but they can still provide some sort of emotional support.

  3. It is useful to look into a commentor's prior post/comment history to get a better idea of where they're coming from. If you find a golden nugget (such as a comment indicating a moment of personal power), this can definitely help boost someone.

  4. Don't necessarily give advice. You must know your own limits. If someone's asking for professional advice, and you're not licensed, don't give it out. If you can't give advice, that's completely ok. Remember that people will primarily come here for emotional support.

  5. People may come here with insecurities about their physical appearance. Make sure to check out their post history - if it's full of similar requests, be wary of continuing a stream of superficial comments. It may not be healthy to propagate their insecurities in this manner.

  6. If you encounter someone expressing extreme depression and/or suicidal ideation, please refer to these guidelines (they're similar to these guidelines, but should be followed more strictly).

Coming next, a list of words to make your complimenting vocabulary more colorful!

Thank you all for reading this and for your participation in this community, whether you're giving or asking for compliments. Without you, this community would be an empty space. You're all bringing life to something wonderful.

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