SATURDAY SAVERS CLUB Update - Adding PEPE and revise LEO Strategy


Welcome to my #saturdaysavers post

As for you who don't know, #SaturdaySavers post is a weekly update I make about my saving plan. In the past some people did something a bit similar with the name #myhivegoals. If you want to know more, you can check the last part of this post later on below

Ok for today I am sharing you guys two things. First I add a new token on my watch list, and it is $PEPE. $PEPE is one of meme token here, so don't expect much from it... Even you should believe they will hit the bottom of the ocean any time in future. I add here just for fun, don't take it seriously. You can read my last $PEPE post here: @dewabrata/thanks-god-its-feel-good-another-pepe-day-85h

Ok now the second one, I change a bit of my strategy on $LEO Power growth. It is my secondary goal so I think I should treat it better. About my $LEO plan, in a glance you can get it from my last Leo Power Up Day (LPUD) post here: @dewabrata/august-2024-leo-power-up-day-lion-attack-150-lp-537

the change I make is not much, I only make one change and that is an increase on Hive Power (HP) delegation. I rise the HP delegation from 2.000 HP to 2.550 HP


So it means that I will have 20% rise in $LEO I get as Dividend. What I aim here is very simple, by doing it I will be less spending on $LEO for the LPUD. Less spending = more $HIVE I could do for other things, and the most important thing is my main Saving Goals which is Hive Power (HP)..

Let's hope in short term this would bring a good impact.


My primary goal is to grow my Hive Power as good as possible. A goal must have a target so I have decided that my primary goal is to reach 11.500 Hive Power (HP).

My goal is to have 11.500 HP this year, not an easy one but of course it is very possible. Let's start this one by checking my HP Growth recap right now:


I had a bad two first quarters this year, which both quarters were not ended as I planned. The result is that I need more than 2.000 HP growth for each remaining quarters this year if I really want to achieve my target of 11.500 HP. I think this is the time to start catching up that big gap.


Another green light in this quarter, right after the first one which was happened last week. I got 200 Hive Power (HP) from my 169 HP target. So far my catch up plan has been working well.


What is exactly my catch up plan? well it is simple, I am doing a power up every week, or maybe a big one for some few weeks. I need to maximize the $Hive Price Drop which happens right now, by buying $HIVE in good amount I can afford... This is one of the basic rule in investment, never spends any amount that you could not afford.



Right now I have 51 $HBD and I am ready to sell them. My $HBD is keep decreasing as I am selling them off for $HIVE. I am withdrawing all my $HBD saving right now, however I won't do that in one go. Step by step, DCA (dollar cost averaging) is what most people say this about.


My secondary saving targets are HIVE second layer tokens, and at this moment my secondary saving target is $LEO token and my goal this year is to get 1.000 LEO Power (LP). LP stands the same as Hive Power (HP), which means the staked $LEO.

This is my $LEO screenshot from my wallet.


and here is the table of my saving progress:

DatePrevious LEO POWERCurrent LEO POWERTargetGrowthLP Rank
6 July 2024~2371.000~1046
15 July 2024~3881.000+151836
22 July 2024~3881.000~836
27 July 2024~3881.000~839
3 August 2024~3881.000~839
10 August 2024~3881.000~839
17 August 2024~5381.000+150737

I joined Leo Power Up Day (LPUD) this week and I powered up 150 $LEO. My Leo Power (LP) right now is 538 and I am on #737 based on the number LP I have.

With the increase of HP delegation to LEO, I think next month I will be able to join LPUD again. Hopefully I could get 1.000 LP this year


Other than $LEO, I am saving these tokens too

TokensStatusLast PeriodTodayTargetGrowthStaking Rank
$THGAMINGstaked206.358206.799200.000 250.000+44117
$PIMPstaked2.5822.5922.000 3.000+10134
$ALIVEstaked6.2586.2586.000 9.000+040
$PGMstaked8.4198.4208000 no target+16
$PSXstaked2.4992.5542.000 3.000+5515
$PEPEstaked-212.707no target at all+0101

As I have said last week, this week we have $PEPE as our feel good token LoL. I set no target for this saving, I have 0 plan for the growth and it is just for fun. So don't ever take anything serious when I am writing any about $PEPE.


Saturday Savers Club is for anyone who wants to make some saving in any currency for any purpose. The Club is a supportive group of people who every week making some post about our saving plan and update. Some even share tips and techniques or maybe sharing their fun in the process.

For further information and if you want to join into this club, you can do your own research on @eddie-earner. We are waiting for any of you out there to make this club bigger and more exciting.

See you next Saturday...

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