August 2024 Leo Power Up Day ~ Lion Attack +150 LP

Hello Hivians and Specially to you Hive Lions!

Today is 15th of August 2024, as usual right on the 15th date of every month, we are having Leo Power Up Day. It's the day when we who live and supports in Leo Finance Community stake our $LEO token all together today. This is somekind of habits for the old Lions but for younger Lions this is somekind challenge. There are two category of LEO Power Up Challenges:

  • CUB attack: Power up at least 50 $LEO on the 15th of the month
  • LION attack: Power up at least 150 $LEO on the 15th of the month

For me, Cub attack is for you guys who want to join in but still on DYOR or not enough time to go deeper. for you who already know and want to get into LEO deeper, then try the Lion Attack Challenge. It is not about success or failure, it's a challenge!! Go for it, then see the result

My Lion Attack +150 LP

I walk my talk here so I do this Lion Attack Challenge by doing 150 $LEO staking here

I did that Leo Power Up 5 hours ago before I made this post. I got home at 23:00 and started directly in writing this post. I was aware of the risk I might miss the clock so I did the powerup from my phone.

This is how My Leo Wallet looks now

Regarding I am participating in #saturdaysavers club, a group activity by @eddie-earner , I track my Leo Power Up every month. I just rejoined this LPUD last month, so this is my second LPUD for this year.

DatePrevious LEO POWERCurrent LEO POWERTargetGrowth
15 July 20242373881.000+151
15 August 20243885381.000+150

I still have 462 Leo Power (LP) left to chase up, in order to get my first milestone which is having 1.000 LP this year.

How Do I Manage To Do This?

Everyone has their own plan, their own strategy and tactics, and I think there is no exact the best way. It's all depend on each person, so what I am sharing here is not the best or maybe far from a good way, but I manage to get $LEO from this way.

1. Buying $LEO on Hive-Engine

I got some from hive-engine, put some buy order yesterday and it got hit about half day ago.

those were 33 $LEO I needed to get 150 liquid $LEO for this LPUD

2. Writing and Curating On InLEO

This is the easiest one, all you need to do is using when you are writing and publishing any posts on HIVE. Here is what I get from using INLEO:

OK not all of them actually, only the one from TOKEN CONTRACT. How much I get is not guaranteed, sometime it's a good amount of 4++ LEO, sometime it is a tiny one.

3. Hive Power (HP) Delegation

The third and the last one is actually my favortie, it is dividend from delegating HP to the @leo.voter. These are some of the list I get as dividends:

The amount is vary and that depends on the price of $LEO on that day. I like this way because literally I do not spend any money here and I am paying those $LEO by opportunity cost. I could get some other income using my HP but I prefer to delegate to Leo Team because they are paying 12% APR in form of $LEO token. So I think that's a good deal.

There is another fact that makes this a better deal, because by delegating to LEO, you are helping small users on HIVE too. LEO VOTER has a vast reach across this blockchain and they have organic curation project which they aim small users and users on niche subject. So it's like you are joining a team that making a fortune by doing good deeds.

OK that's all for today LPUD post, thanks for coming and keep powering up guys!!

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