Exciting New Recipe you should try

Those who know me well know that I am crazy about cheesecake and when Emma @emcandlish visited us from South Africa she made this fridge tart

One of the best recipes I have come across in a long time

First you crush some biscuits

Baby springform pan that I found in the Netherlands

After only two hours setting in the fridge

There could really not be a more simple recipe out there that produces this delicious cheese cake.

Best part is that it only has 3 ingredients.

1 tub of yoghurt
1 tin of condensed milk
biscuits for the base

For the above pictures I adapted the recipe and used only a half of the ingredients and I also used apricot and granadilla yoghurt instead. I also added a tablespoon of Philadelphia cream cheese.

The gorgeous little springform baking pan I found in the Netherlands on my last visit there.

You can use any biscuits for the base. If I was in South Africa my choice would be Tennis biscuits. Here in Cyprus I used a cream biscuit and oatmeal. This biscuit was also introduced to me by Emma.

Needless to say, this worked out perfectly and if possible was even better than the original (although no complaints about the original)

I made this recipe in the Air Fryer although I believe it works just as well in a microwave oven. Put the biscuits in the air fryer for a minute. With the back of a spoon I placed them into the springform pan and made the base.

The yoghurt and cream cheese was mixed with the condensed milk and added on top.

This was placed in the air fryer for 3 minutes at 180 degrees celsius and then a further 3 minutes after opening and checking.

Place in refrigerator for a few hours. Mine was set in 2 hours so we enjoyed it then.

Definitely something to make if you want something so delicious in such a short space of time.

I really hope you try it and enjoy it as much as I did. Thanks Emma!!

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