2024-08-25 - Hive Inbox / hReplier - 1.1.0 (9) update available on AppStore

Updates on self-funded project "Hive Inbox / hReplier"

hReplier update 1.1.0 available on AppStore

Apple reviewed & approved it in 15 mins

  • With HiveSigner login & other improvements, hReplier's update is now available on AppStore.
  • Apple reviewed & approved it in 15 mins 🔥
  • You can download the latest version by visiting this link - https://inbox.the-hive-mobile.app

Improvement - Better JSON metadata

improved metadata

  • We've added few fields on json_metadata when user drops a comment
  • With this, blockchain will preserve crucial data like from which screen comment was dropped, what was the app-version.
  • We also need to add OS & OS Version, which we'll add tomorrow.

Changes in Message Details View

Changes in Message Details View

  • As shown in the screenshot above, we've made several changes in UX
  • We've added "Open in Brower" button (near copy button)
  • We moved upvote-slider just above the action-buttons.
  • We're removed unwanted vote bubbles "10" "25" "50" buttons.

Open in Browser

  • As shown in the screenshot above, user can open the comment in browser.
  • Similarly, upon tapping on user's profile picture, you can open, user's profile in browser.
  • Browser will load user's profile or comment with Hive Webapp of your choice.

Settings > Select Hive FrontEnd

Settings > Select Hive FrontEnd

  • As you can see in the screenshot above, default setting is leofinance.
  • As a user, you can set any front-end of your choice.
  • Once the front-end is chosen, any link that you try to open, it'll be loaded using the selected hive's front-end.

Settings > Choose FrontEnd > Bottom Sheet Dialog

Settings > Choose FrontEnd > Bottom Sheet Dialog

  • As you can see in the screenshot above, you can pick any.
  • Bottom Sheet Dialog will be shown to the user.
  • At the moment, we've added 4 options.
  • In future, we'll add more if needed & suggested.

Progress on Known bugs

  • ✅ HiveSigner
    -⏳ WebApp Support
    • Add Support to use app from website
    • We are doing necessary research to support web-app.
      -⏳ Languages for WebApp
    • Working on it

What's Next?

  • ✅ There are known bugs on which we are working
  • ✅ Support HiveSigner based login - research work is in progress
  • ⏳ Support for web-app - we're working on it
  • Update screenshots of Landing page - planned for tomorrow
  • Hive Stats - self funded project development - planned for next month

Rewarding Hive Content Creators

wallet screenshot for hive power up sent

Curation Report for 2024-08-25


  • If you don't like tagging you under curation report, let me know in comment section & I'll exclude you from the curation report.
  • If you think that I should not attach curation report in the post, let me know in the comment section.

We've curated total 5 & motivated content creators for their contributions on Hive.

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