Small Steps... .:. MyHiveGoals 2024

I may sound like a broken record, but repeating things that work is effective... And it works! It can be boring to repeat the same routine, but you can be creative in the way you do it... For example, I have been doing these #MyHiveGoals for a few years, but I am changing them every year, tweaking the numbers, and pushing myself a bit more. Also, reaching the goals doesn't have to be the same over and over again, as you can reach them by taking a different journey and path.

But don't forget... Every journey begins with one step... and it doesn't have to be a big step...

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Small steps, big changes... That's what this great image that I found on says... And to prove that it works, I will use #MyHiveGoals as an example...

Today, I have reached my Hive Power monthly goal for the first time this year!! How did that happen this relatively early? Yes, I was doing a 1K power-up on #HivePUD for the last few months, but that wasn't the drop that filled the glass... Can you guess what it was?

Curation rewards! Yes, you see it well... That slow tortoise was the one who helped me to reach the monthly goal! The snowball effect that I mentioned dozens of times in my posts, combined with the inactivity of scared Hivians made the job done! If you check website, you will notice that your curation APR went up too! Of course, that happened if you were actively upvoting quality posts on HIVE... If you didn't do it, it is 0% and you are the reason why the rest got more! So, thank you very much! 😃

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Speaking of (in)consistency, you can notice that I've been doing #MyHiveGoals for multiple years now... Sometimes, I would add a bigger amount to my stake, but most of the time, the growth consists of just a few tokens/NFTs per week... Small steps... Nothing too crazy, no thousands of dollars invested, no taking loans to buy crypto, but rather adding value, and spending quality time with friends!

Every little adds up... And that snowball is growing more and more... It gets bigger and it has more power... More power to change, more power to move others, more power to make a difference...

How funny it is... The story begins with a boring routine and we get to the point that we can make a DIFFERENCE!

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Back to the #MyHiveGoals numbers... 4 weeks after the last report! I made a huge break because of my vacation, but the numbers didn't stay still...

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As it has been almost a month, this chart looks very similar to the last one... A huge bar at the left side (1K power-up on #HivePUD), and the rest is going slowly up... I wasn't creating too many posts during my vacation, but I was present on HIVE every day, curating content, picking good ones, and creating @Ourpick posts...

So, the difference in accumulated HivePower in these 4 weeks is around 2300, and when I deduct 1K power-up, we are at 1300 HP earned in less than a month! Don't forget that I took a 3-week vacation in this period! It is obvious that passive income on HIVE is real and according to, my monthly curation rewards were around 700 HP!

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My SWAP.HIVE:LEN shares goal is going well, but I didn't reach my monthly goal in August... As there are 6 days more, I will probably get there, but I will not have a chance to color that row this month... 🙂

During my vacation, I was playing the Rising Star game as much as I could, but my rankings in the game suffered... I did lose some positions, but I didn't lose my assets, which means that others were doing better!

On the other side, I was buying and opening packs during August, which was enough to hit my YEARLY GOAL in the number of cards! I have over 30K NFTs in the Rising Star game!!!! Just a reminder that I wasn't among the first people who joined the game, I started to play it when it was almost 1 year old... I followed the same principle that I mentioned before, doing consistent work in the game, re-investing my income, and slowly growing my account...

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These were my initial numbers and goals for 2024, created on January 7th, 2024...

MyHiveGoals 2024 Edition - The Beginning!

Join me in this awesome #MyHiveGoals and let's grow together! It is fun, motivating, and will keep you focused!

Thank you for your time,


PS. None of this is financial advice of any kind...

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👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

Don't forget to follow, reblog, and browse my Hivepage to stay connected with all the great stuff!

You can also find me on InLeo .:. Twitter .:. LBRY

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