2024-06-23 - Distriator App Development Updates

Hello Hive Community Members,

Welcome to daily updates from @sagarkothari88 - a Hive Witness & mobile-app-developer. I daily invest my time with my skillset in #Hive & I daily hive-power-up.

Project - Distriator

new menu items in Distriator

1. A Link to Blog of Distriator

  • On Side Menu, we have a new item which says "Blog"
  • Upon tapping on that menu item, it launches Hive Blog of Distriator

2. "About" Distriator

  • On Side Menu, we have a new item which says "About"
  • Upon tapping on that menu item, it opens the post which describes about Distriator

3. Links to Sign Up

  • Sign up with HolaHive - https://app.holahive.com/
  • Sign up with SpendHBD - https://spendhbd.com/signup
  • We've added these links to sign-up
  • With this, those who are using distriator, can onboard people easily.
  • In future, we'll have option to Sign-up within Distriator

4. Business Details - Tab Order

previous tab order

  • Based on @starkerz feedback, we updated tab order.
  • If there are no business-reviews, we should show up the business-images first
  • We implemented this improvement.

first tab is business images when no review

5. Add A Review Screen

  • We are now showing following info-text to user on Add-A-Review-Screen
Take 2-10 photos

The photos must:
- Be unique
- Show the product, products or service purchased
- Show the logo of the business

6. Business Filters - City & Country

business filter - city and country

  • Instead of City & Country as a separate business filters, we made it one.
  • User can scroll through list of countries & select city to filter businesses.

7. Last two week Claim history

more claim means more discounts

  • We did some improvement in claim-history screen.
  • Tapping on "Claimed in Last 2 weeks" app shows following extra info
  • More Claims = Bigger discounts
  • First to 7 claims in this two week period gets Hive Dollar prizes

8. Business Details - Work Time

  • Business Details - Info page is empty sometimes
  • Instead of showing empty area, app now says work-time-not-found & no-business-notes.

9. Business Details - Photo Gallery

photo gallery

  • On Business Details - Photos Grid - it is now tappable.
  • Upon tapping it shows full screen preview of photos.

10. Business Details - Reviews

  • We did some improvements in Business Details - Review as well.
  • In case if a review has no photos, app shows a business photo as a review photo

Can I check?

  • Yes, you can check all of these changes.
  • All of these changes are tested & deployed on production.

Project - 3Speak - Customer Support

customer support

  • One of the user of 3speak @moaz-sabir reported that his video isn't playable.
  • While @eddiespino was assisting user, I also started digging into the issue.
  • We started looking into different directions
  • Is it beneficiary issue? Is it an issue from ecency? or Is it something else?
  • I ran 3speak web-app locally & started investigation
  • Upon finding invalid new-line character issue, I updated the title of the video in database
  • This resulted into issue-fix after that I informed @eddiespino & @moaz-sabir both

Project - Hive Curators

  • Today, I updated bot for generating the report.
  • For very long time, I wanted to include the curators in the report.
  • Today I got some time & I updated bot which includes both curator as well as commnity name.
  • New curation report looks as follows
  • I shared this with HiveCurators community over discord
  • So far no negative feedback on it.
  • I have also updated the daily-investment-report & it will be shown as a table instead of lines of text.


My contributions on projects on Hive Blockchain

Rewarding Hive Content Creators

  • I support several contests hosted by different communities.
  • I reward them with Hive-Power-up for the contribution that they have made on communities on Hive.
  • We keep transferring portion of hive power to different users on Hive for encouraging them for their contribution on Hive.
  • Those who respond to our replies, we also reward them with different tokens like PIZZA, BEER, LUV
  • Today we sent no power-ups

Dedicated Resources for Hive Eco-System

Resource NameResource DescriptionApprox Cost of ResourceStatus
Hive WitnessHive Witness Node$50
DluxRunning Dlux Witness Node$5Down ATM
LarynxRunning a LARYNX node$5Down ATM
DuatRunning a DUAT node$5Down ATM
VSCRunning a VSC witness node$5
Discord BotHive Curators Discord Bot Node$5
HP RewardsHive Curators HP reward Bot Node$5
12 NodesPowerful video encoder nodes for 3Speak $20 on average$240
Bandwidth3 internet connections$50
DistriatorHive-Distriator Backend node$50
Community ContributorsRewarding community contributors in INR$60
Additional DevelopersAdditional Contributing Developers$1500

Updates: Video Encoder Nodes

  • I'm running 12 powerful video encoder nodes for 3Speak Community Members.
  • Monthly internet bandwidth usage which exceeds 15 TB, Maintenance cost, Electricity backup, Internet backup, Depreciation cost - it's all on me.
  • On 2024-06-23, 3Speak published total 114 videos.
  • My video encoder nodes encoded 98 videos from 114 videos published.
  • It means, my encoder nodes encoded 85.96 % of total videos published on 2024-06-23
  • Here is visual representation of above data.


My Daily Hive Investment Report for 2024-06-23

ValueInvestment Type
239.524 HiveHive Power Up
24.145 HiveWitness Rewards in Hive Power
87.285 HiveCuration Rewards as Hive Power
5.492 HiveBenefactor Rewards as Hive Power
356.445 HiveTotal Hive Power Invested

Curation Report for 2024-06-23


  • If you don't like tagging you under curation report, let me know in comment section & I'll exclude you from the curation report.
  • If you think that I should not attach curation report in the post, let me know in the comment section.

We've curated total 1 & motivated content creators for their contributions on Hive.

🧑‍💻 Author 🧑‍💻📝 Post 📝❤️ HiveCurator ❤️👥 Community 👥
@elamaria@elamaria/delicious-nutritious-and-healthy-yogurt-prunes-and-chia-smoothie-engesp@sirenahippieAmazing Drinks
@oadissin@oadissin/game-updated-contests-delegation-raffles-giveaways-25-directory-320@hivecuratorsThe City of Neoxian
@merit.ahama@merit.ahama/kkacqliv@nkemakonam89Hive Learners
@fotostef@fotostef/keep-it-simple@dimascastillo90Photography Lovers
@cetb2008@cetb2008/fundacion-en-la-xiv-jornada-de-juegos-del-torneo-de-futsal-copa-apertura-2024@fermionicoFull Deportes
@cjlugo@cjlugo/-de-la-mano-de-cr7-portugal-golea-y-clasifica-espeng-5uo@fermionicoFull Deportes
@lisbethseijas@lisbethseijas/a-world-without-electricity-week-211@bhattgWeekend Experiences
@kerrislravenhill@kerrislravenhill/the-bloody-ravens-donation-to-the-2024-monster-raffle-hwo@bhattgSilver Gold Stackers
@nelinoeva@nelinoeva/feathered-friends-show-me-a-516738158dc3e@dimascastillo90Feathered Friends
@ceciliajess@ceciliajess/marcos@dimascastillo90Black And White
@selfhelp4trolls@selfhelp4trolls/burning-on-both-ends-d11@mysteriousroadCross Culture
@scubahead@scubahead/southern-oxford-canal-monomad-challenge@bhattgBlack And White

Support @sagarkothari88

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Credits to designers - noakmilo & josegrech

image by noakmilo

banner of distriator by josegrech

Swap your HBD/Hive using @ecency

3 columns
2 columns
1 column