I Reached 76 in Reputation - Is Reputation Very Important in Hive Blockchain?

Hello Everyone, I hope everything is going well in your life.

I will celebrate my 7th anniversary at Hive Blockchain in about 3 months. Even though I joined with great excitement at first, I had to take a break for a long time, but I can say that I have been actively involved here for about 3 years. Today I reached 76 reputation on Hive Blockchain, so how did this happen and is reputation still an important thing?

Some of My stats on Hive blockchain;

  • My rank : 411
  • My Reputation : 76
  • My Posts : 3,459
  • My Comments : 41,794
  • My Replies : 51,131
  • My Upvotes : 31,401
  • My Upvoted : 469,684
  • My Hive Power : 19,155
  • My Reblog : 2,511
  • My Rebloged : 6,484

I think my stats don't look bad at all.

I think reputation is much more important and valuable than money. Having a good reputation is a very valuable thing in our face-to-face life, and it makes sense that it exists on the blockchain as well. And I think it's one of the most important features that differentiates the Hive blockchain from others.

You probably know that next to your profile name there is a number called "Reputation". And the higher this number means, the higher your good reputation in Hive.

The higher your reputation, the more people's trust in you will increase, but reputation is something too valuable to be measured by numbers. Also, gaining Reputation is very difficult and takes years, but on the other hand, it is very easy to lose it, meaning it can be destroyed with a single action.

The simplest way to increase your reputation on the Hive blockchain is with the upvotes your posts and comments receive. However, I do not know more details of this calculation, and frankly, I did not need to learn it. Frankly, I did not make any extra effort to increase my reputation. However, I really enjoy being a part of the Hive community and spending time here, and I love interacting here, and I create content and comment whenever I get the chance, so my reputation increases by doing these.

I would like to say that I am happy to reach 76 reputation, I hope to see the day when I reach 80 reputation. First of all, I would like to say that I am very lucky and very happy to be a part of the Hive community, and I will continue to be here as long as I live, because I really enjoy being here. And increasing my Hive power is among my top priorities. So far I have never powered down my Hive power and in addition to staking all my rewards I also buy Hive from the market and stake them all on the 1st of the month. Of course, I can power up Hive whenever I want, but I like to do it on Hive Power Up Day (HPUD). And the HPUD event is on the 1st of every month. In my opinion, Hive is far from its real price and is sold quite cheaply, and I believe this is an opportunity for me so I buy Hive regularly. My long term goal is to reach 1M Hive Power by the time I retire. And by investing in Hive, I believe I've made a great investment for the future.

Thank you for reading

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