The Place I am the Happiest is on the Road, Together with my Van | A Simple Day of Vanlife

Dear Hive! Long time no see but I have been back after a Social Media break and a pitstop in Holland for a couple of weeks for the Holidays. I am incredibly happy to be back on the road because I have missed this lifestyle a lot in the last couple of weeks I spent in Holland. I am glad to announce that I have arrived in Spain after a not so smooth but not so bad drive, all the way through Belgium, Luxembourg and France! (Seriously, European countries are so small)

The place I am the Happiest is on the Road, Together with my Van!


I wanna show you some simple but enjoyable moments parked in an ordinary place doing ordinary things. Nothing special but they feel special! Vanlife invites me to live much more outdoors and makes me feel thankful for the little things, like having the ability to use electricity and even wash my dishes. It is how life should be in my opinion: finding appreciation for the simple things. And with Vanlife, that is mostly just so much easier! (Until you run out of water, gas, electricity but when it is limited, you appreciate it much more when you have it)

I found myself a cool parkspot with a stunning view over the Mediterranean Sea (P4N #218587) near San Feliu de Guixols, just next to a very quiet road. There are more bicycles passing by than cars since the views along the road are just stunning. I am glad to call this place my backyard for a couple of days.

In the morning after waking up, I usually make myself a coffee, do some stretching outside, just beside my van. Just simple things which make a morning a good one. I set up my Solar panel outside since they like catching sun as much as I do and literally get a lot of energy from the sun. I also have two Solar Panels on my roof so with the Sunny Days in Spain, I have enough electricity to cook outside, powered by the Sun. It is a good way to live with the nature and I love my Solar Powered Pancakes!


My outdoor kitchen! I do have a table with me but I really don't mind putting it on the ground. The Solarpanel is connected to my powerstation and the powerstation offers more than enough power to cook on it. The bottle with the red top is for the Pancake batter. I like to prepare it and I can make pancakes for a couple of days in a row without doing too many dishes and wasting too much water by doing so. It is just so convinience and one of my favourite new cooking hacks.


Some Solar Powered Pancakes Anyone?

These days I have been fixing some things around my Van (My lock broke, and that is something very important to have when you are living in a van with everything you own. Better to keep the thieves out. I might write a blog later on how my lock got broken). I spend some of my time working online and just arranging stuff and tidying up. No place on earth get messy as quickly as my van. Seriously!



The view of my backyard



Even though I have two chairs with me, I kinda prefer this spot in the dooropening. I used to use my chair a lot but I haven't even used them this trip. Not yet





Enjoying Sunshine, Solar Powered oats for breakfast and the ocean view. I will always stay thankful for this lifestyle and the opportunity to live in a Car, Able to park it wherever in the world my heart gets attracted to and change my place of living with the seasons to wherever I want to! Cook outside and shower outside much of the time. I am so much happier & healthier this way, I don't need the comforts from a home. I am glad I found myself a lifestyle I never need a vacation from!

Thank you for reading my story. Would you like to live in a Van or try out Vanlife or are you happy with the Comfort of a ''real home''?

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