I'm quitting

I think it's time to leave this place. To quit it and find greener pastures and new horizons. That's how I'm feeling anyway - I'll make it happen too!

It's coming on to almost a month since I quit my job to do nothing whatever I wanted to do. I've crossed out nothing because I've actually been busy with things. You know: Hiking, shooting, reading, writing for hive also off the blockchain, meeting friends for coffees and lunches, sleeping in, staying up late, doing odd-jobs around the house and my workshop I've neglected...That sort of thing. It's been great!

I've also looked around to see what actual jobs might be out there and there's a few I'd officially say are on the go currently however at this stage I've committed to nothing and that's ok by me, there's no rush; I need the right situation to move into.

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I've been doing a lot of thinking also; I guess I've found it easier to do so without having the intrusion of work intruding all the time and it's been good to find that space. It's brought better clarity of thought to some of the scenarios and I've even managed to draw a line beneath some things, and people, and set them aside once and for all. It's been really valuable.

One thing I've been thinking about a lot is escaping; I mean getting away and going somewhere remote for a while. The more I think on it the more I want to make it happen. You know, quitting society for a bit.

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I'm fortunate to live in a place where I can reach some really great spots like coastal areas, mountains, arid lands, desert, lakes, creaks, rivers and such. Most are within three hours but go five hours and I'd be guaranteed of not running into other people. Perfect.

I'm also fortunate to have a four wheel drive and the skills and ability to use it properly plus the other essential equipment to do so safely and confidently. I also have a serious off-road camper trailer which means I'm self-contained when in remote areas; Power, water, refrigeration and so on. That means I can stay remote for longer periods and a lot further from civilisation and other people. I value that distance.

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Getting into remote areas requires planning of course, especially here in Australia. Many skills plus the equipment I mentioned above. There's really a lot of gear required to do it safely although in truth, back in the old days, people did it with much less. We like creature-comforts these days I guess and so we have more things.

An essential item for me is my four wheel drive and good ones cost a lot of money plus additional money to accessorise them up to do the job as the manufacturers never do it properly. It's costly but means I can head into remote places knowing I'll be safe, self-sufficient and able to get myself home. It also means I can reach places those without do not have and it's those places that are often the best.

I've also spent thirty years building up skills which make a big difference to my comfort-level when out in the wilderness; sure, there's always more to learn, but I know a lot so feel comfortable and confident to take myself farther away and further off the beaten track and it's those more distant places in which I feel better, more at peace.


The above collage shows a few places I've been, all in Australia, and it's places like this I yearn for right now; the peace and quiet, the solitude.

I know what usually happens when I begin to feel this way; I disappear for a time. It's what I feel I need right now and the more I think about it the more likely it will happen. With the weather improving it's a great time for it and as it's a little warmer now I'd probably end up somewhere near water so I could drop my kayak in and paddle around.

Nights by the fire, cooking meals and brewing coffee on it, and waking up to nothing but the crisp fresh air and sounds of nature waking up for the day seems too attractive to turn down right? Add the lack of computers and phones and...Sounds bloody perfect!

If you're interested in joining me let me know, I'm sure we could work something out, or you could just live vicariously through me; it won't be as fun though, trust me.

You coming with?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

All images are mine

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