Get wet with me

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Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.

- Roger Miller -

Some time ago I discovered a hidden trail that makes it's way up into the hills winding alongside a small creek. You can read that post here if you would like to.

I called it a secret trail in the post but really it's just hidden from view, not secret at all. I'd hiked higher up the hill, away from the creek, many times but hadn't been down closer so missed it. I also mentioned how I was going to hike it all the way into the hills at some later date and that was going to be a day-long hike.

Considering I have a week off between my current job that finishes in a few days and my next one, I decided that week would be a great time to do this lengthy hike of about seventeen kilometres.

Over the weekend I hiked up to the start of it for a recon of what the creek looked like after the rain we've had; I was pleased to see it flowing nicely. It's not the mighty Amazon river or anything, but it's running and starting to green up the surrounding banks. This brings a cool element to the hike as the trail crosses the creek multiple times, judging by the maps I now have, and that means getting wet.

I was talking to a mate over the weekend and mentioned the hike which he showed some interest in. I said, fuck off mate, it's mine all mine would you like to come and get wet with me? He's a nice chap, pretty good value actually, and knows how to keep his trap shut, so it's unlikely he'll bother my peaceful hike much. He said yes and it'll be good to have him along.


Here's a few snaps I took some weeks ago, now this section of creek is about two feet deep with running water which will make my impending hike really cool I think.

It's not one of those trails where it's likely a person would get lost; sure, one could take the wrong turn and end up kilometres away from the intended finish point, but getting lost isn't much of a thing. We're both adept at navigation anyway, and my topographic map, and those skills, will ensure we don't take any wrong turns unless we choose to.

I'm really looking forward to this one and with more rain expected between now and then I'd say the creek will be gushing nicely. That adds a little extra fun to the expedition as it's likely we'll need to detour, find alternative ways to cross and maybe even cut down a massive three hundred year old gum tree to make a bridge. (I'm kidding folks.)

We'll take lunch and all of the relevant equipment all tucked away in our backpacks and I'd say it's going to be an epic, if tiring, day. If you're keen to come and get wet with me let me know ok?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Any images in this post are my own

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