Out Of Doors

Ever get the feeling the walls are closing in on you? Me too! Going outside is the only thing that seems to help with that so I end up doing quite a bit of that. Which comes in handy when someone is giving away HIVE for scenery.

Since @galenkp is up to his old tricks again I thought I'd join in the fun. Was going to pick a single photo from a few of my favorite places I've visited but I ran into trouble narrowing it down so they're all from Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.

Just being there will give you a contact buzz, a nice high remarkably similar to oxygen deprivation. What's a little altitude sickness with scenery like this? Spent a few weeks wandering around the place but I could spend another year there and still come back for more.

The place has a little bit of everything, forests, lakes, mountains, alpine tundra and a mess of critters running around. Being above the treeline is by far may favorite, it's a different world up there and the scenery is hard to beat.

The glacial lakes there are always a good place to pause and reflect. Just don't pause too long or you'll end up with a chipmunk on your shoulder begging for food.

The Continental Divide Trail runs through here and I'd love to hike it one day but I'm going to have to work my way up to that. The Appalachian Trail would probably be a good warm up but it still won't prepare you for the altitude.

Storm's a coming, so I'd best be getting back below treeline. Just remember, climate control is a conspiracy to keep you indoors!

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