Catalan Gluttony

I love eating.
I am a lucky person, I can eat what I want and all I want. However, I have no problems with size, I have never had them and I do not think I will suffer from them in the future.
My constitution and healthy way of life allow me to have a good "binge" from time to time without having a considerable weight gain.
In fact, during periods of intense training, such as training to run a marathon or a mountain race, I have had to closely monitor the relationship between the energy consumed and the quantity and quality of food to eat.
It is very common in my case to lose 3 or 4 kilos of weight 1 month before the marathon, so 2 weeks before the race I usually "plan" a good intake of carbohydrates in order to keep up with the deposits of muscle glycogen overflowing.
If this aspect is not carefully monitored, you may run the risk of consuming yourself or becoming sick with anemia...

Today is not the case. I have no objective long or short distance race although I try to maintain a good level of training that compensates for my "sins".
Although I am not religious at all, I know that gluttony is one of them.

And now that the lockdown has been relaxed substantially here, it is inevitable to have a walk with the family and then have a good lunch in a sunny terrace.

We had ordered a typical catalan dish called "arros negre amb sípia i gambes" , meaning "black rice with cuttlefish and prawns" in English. It is an amazing dish, similar to paella but cook also using the "ink" of the cuttlefish essentially and it takes some time to get prepared, around 30' or so.

Thus, to have in the meantime, we ordered the typical "Patates Braves" ("Brave potatoes") and we get the following:


Accompanying the potatoes, that were delicious, there was also a few slices of toated bread scrubbed with fresh tomatoes , olive oil and salt.


We ordered as well some olives and, of course, Beer and finally the main dish:


We have eaten like ancient Greco-Roman nobles, everything was delicious and I have enjoyed so much...

So much that I also enjoyed of a long nap afterwards, LOL...

Are you also a "gluttony" sinner?


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