Soon Goldbacks!

Goldbacks.. soon.png


I have been drooling over some Goldbacks posts every time someone showed off their purchase but never actually bought any because of the premium and also because locally, I only see them even more overpriced. I admit that I didn't notice that there are also 1 Goldback notes, for those that just like to have something shiny and enjoy the artwork without having to spend a lot of money on them.

Buyers group

When @summertooth mentioned he was going to do a buyer's group for Goldbacks last week, I knew I had to pick at least one because I already received one letter before from Summertooth with the OZ note recently which arrived quite fast. This was going to be just another postcard shipment needing some luck only.

I saw the 1 GB notes and decided to pick three of them rather than buying one more expensive one. First let's see if I really love them as much as I think I will. Even if so, I think I prefer spending more money on silver coins/rounds is preferable over the more expensive GB notes though. But we'll see.

Buying in threes

Lately I've been buying things in threes when it comes to cheaper silver or items as this for collecting purposes. Why? Because I have three kids and I'd like to be able to have one of each for them in the future when I pass on my stuff to them. Right now the collection is still so tiny but I'm working on it. At least I buy regularly now slowly but steadily the collection will grow.

I'm looking forward to receiving the Goldbacks but I guess I need to wait some weeks before I can check them in real life. Either way, I really love how community members are so helpful to those that have less access to some items. This is not the first person doing this and I'm very thankful for these gestures.

Wishing you a lovely week ahead!

Screenshots taken from HeroBullion

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