America's First Medals: Medal Awarded to Brigadier General Anthony Wayne

On July 26, 1779, Congress voted in its session that a gold medal be awarded to Brigadier General Anthoy Wayne.

It was not until March 1790 that Thomas Jefferson handed the finished medal to George Washington, who had sent it to General Wayne with a personal letter.

For the Victory at Stony Point, 1779

The medal depicts America, distinguished by her scutcheon. On one hand is a mural crown, and on the other is a crown of laurels, with General Wayne receiving the crown of laurels.

The Latin inscription reads, in translation: The American Congress to the Commander of the Army Antony Wayne.

The reverse of the medal shows the Americans storming the fort of Stony Point in battle formation with fixed bayonets.

The Latin inscription reads, in translation: Stony Point conquered, 15 July 1779.

In 1779, the British sent a force up the Hudson River in order to strengthen their position in New York. This force occupied the American fort at Stony Point, General Washington decided to reoccupy the fort and selected General Anthony Wayne with a force of 1359 men. The fort of Stony Point was surrounded on three sides by water and connected with the mainland by marshes, making it a very serious challenge.
By dawn of July 16, the Americans had taken the fort. Only 15 Americans had been killed and 80 wounded, while the British lost the battle with 63 killed, 70 wounded, and 543 captured men.


General Anthony Wayne - Revolutionary War Hero
by Crash Course History, YouTube

The United States Mint offered the America's First Medals Collection in 1973. These medals honor the American Revolutionary War engagements. Included in the set is this Medal awarded to Brigadier General Anthony Wayne. The set was published in 1973 by the Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of History and Technology. There is one "medal" with the Department of the Treasury insignia and ten commemorative medals in the set. It also comes with a book detailing the history of each medal written by Vladimir and Elvira Clain-Stefanelli. With "America's First Medals" on the cover, the book and medals are housed in a classy blue "leather" cover that is tucked inside a white paper sleeve.

I shall feature the medals one by one.

America's First Medals, An Introduction
Medal Awared to George Washington
Medal Awarded to Major General Horatio Gates
Medal Awarded to Brigadier General Anthony Wayne


Medal Commemorating Battles of the American Revolution by Vladimir and Elvira Clain-Stefanelli


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