Natural Remedies Cannabis,Dogs (Relationships),Riding, and MUSIC

Hello My name is Deuceman, I suffer with an anxiety disorder, bi-polar as well as P.T.S.D.
Currently with the help of my doctor slowly getting myself off the pharmaceuticals and strictly sticking to natural ways to medicate. There are 4 things that are key in my life right now that I feel fall under the natural medicine category in more ways than one.

  1. Cannabis
  2. Having great dogs that are one of a kind both of them.
  3. Riding my Bike
  4. Music

All four of those things help with my mood, depression and anxiety. Not to mention helping sleep better and eat better which are important, I'm sure we would all agree.
I grow my own cannabis. Here is some pictures some of my girls. And a bud shot off my last crop.
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This was a california OG kush strain, it was delicious. Smooth and very satisfying.

I own a Harley and love to ride, its a great time to think and get some fresh air.100550543_1397858627270714_5496512812559630336_o.jpg
2004 softail Deuce, she's my girl, well one of them I also have two pretty fantastic dogs one is a male one is a female, She's a gold retriever we call her Bella the kids named her but she's gorgeous and such a sweet heart.IMG_20200724_215518.jpg
Then there is Boston the Brute he's a great dane roughly 160 lbs just over 1 year old, this is him standing and drinking out of our bathroom sink tap.IMG_20200724_215454.jpg


Last but not least on my list is music. Music definitely falls under natural medicine, it might be the best form of medicine. I can't count the amount of times music helped take me out of a deep depression or relax a bad anxiety attack. Music is healing. I love it so much I started a website playlist radio podcast station, and community with a custom coin here on the HIVE network called Ear Candy Music Check it out. Join the community if you love music, especially if you find it is healing and an important part of your health.

Thank you for taking the time to read my rant about my life and natural remedies that currently play a huge role in me getting to my balance. Hope you enjoyed.

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