Video of my high winds Saltese flilght from 7/17

Here is the video of my flight from Monday, all 11 minutes of it if you care to watch (now that we have internet back I was able to u/l it). The sketchiest part was the launch but once in the air I was able to handle the winds in my light harness without a speed bar. There were times where I was hovering as my wing matched the wind speed just right and my ground speed went to zero for a few moments. This is my longest flight to date and also my highest wind speed flight.

I read up on my wing and found the DHV report which had two test pilots fly the wing, one at minimum weight and one at max. I read the whole report and there is little to no difference between the two experiences so it is making me feel a bit better about being on the very low end of the weight for my wing. I had been worried but this helps to allay some of those worries.

I am super anxious for Friday and flying Saltese again.

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