FlashFiction Freewrite Friday - The Energy Cafe

FlashFiction Freewrite Friday - The Energy Cafe blog thumbnail.jpg

Today certainly didn't go as planned. I'd hoped to spend a large part of the day hanging out at Hive Fest, but my offline life decided otherwise. Between a storm that kept the power flickering for most of the day and a couple of job situations with hubby and the youngest (stories for another day), I ended up only jumping into AltVR space long enough to get my badge. I'd wanted to at least hear the last couple of presentations too, but when I ported to the main stage, the software froze, so... sigh

I'm crossing my fingers that later tonight I can jump back in and see if I can get my bearings. I didn't have much time to check, but it did seem like my mic still doesn't work, but maybe I can at least wave to some people & click on their badges to give them some beer.

As for today's HiveBloPoMo post - on my Hive Blog Posting Month daily prompt calendar, Tuesday was designated as a 5 minute Freewrite prompt. I decided to get my entry in for the Silver Bloggers community BOW (Blog of the Week) contest instead. Then yesterday, since I did some Throwback Thursday shots, instead of doing today's suggested FlashBack Friday. I thought it would be the perfect time to do a FlashFiction Friday instead.

I decided to do a sort of duel prompt. I was actually kind of bummed that my favorite Deep Dream Generator photo from this past Sublime Sunday didn't get as much love as I'd expected. At the moment, my Dreamy Market only has 5 likes on the DDG site, but my Dreamy Pumpkin is up to 70!

When I saw the Dreamy Cafe result, I actually thought for a moment, "hey, maybe I should use this as a visual writing prompt some day." Looks like today's that day! But I also wanted to make sure I included an actual @freewritehouse prompt and as always, @mariannewest had the perfect one posted for yesterday.

So my visual prompt is -

3. Market Friday 1 DDG.jpgDreamy cafe

And the 5 Minute Freewrite prompt is - energy

Oh and because I'm a glutton for punishment, I used The Most Dangerous Writing App. Yes, the one with the motto, "Don’t stop typing, or all progress will be lost." Or in other words, if you stop typing, your words start to fade and after 5 seconds, they disappear completely and you can't get 'em back. Talk about motivation to keep the words flowing!

Last bit before I get to my result - while I did think about what I wanted to write ahead of time, all I'd really come up with is that I wanted my MC (main character) to work on using their energy to manifest the cafe, and the phrase "open your eyes" popped into my brain as the first sentence. Oh, and I kept writing for a bit after the five minutes expired, then did a bit of editing to make it all readable. Here's my Flash Fiction story result.

The Energy Cafe

"Open your eyes."

The last few thousand times the disembodied voice gave me that instruction, I couldn't wait to open my eyes and see what I'd created. However, I was now pretty certain that I'd only see the same thing I'd seen every other time before. Nothingness.

After a brief moment though, curiosity got the better of me and I opened my eyes. And sighed.

"Don't be so discouraged. You're still very new at this, and once it starts to happen, I'm sure you'll find it gets as easy as breathing."

Easy for the voice to say, I thought, since it wasn't the one here in this dark realm of blackness and silence, trying to conjure up real objects from nothing but energy and intent.

"Might I ask you what you were thinking this time, when trying to bring the thing into existence?"

"The same stuff I've been thinking every other time. I know the place perfectly in my head, I've been there a thousand times. I know how it smells of home cooking as soon as you walk in the door. I know every little crumb hiding in the corner of the table I always sat at, know exactly how the light comes through the windows early morning, know how the street lights reflect in the middle of the night. I know every little atom of the cafe my parents used to own, and yet nothing I can do can bring it into existence again."

"Maybe you're directing your energy at the wrong aspect of it. Instead of trying to recreate it by focusing on the surface details, maybe you should try to recreate the soul of the place?"

"I'm willing to try anything at this point. Ready to begin again when you are."

The voice paused for a moment, then said softly. "And, begin."

I closed my eyes against the total darkness and instead of remembering what the cafe looked like, I remembered how it felt. Safe. Loving. Home.

After the allotted time had passed, the voice said again, "Open your eyes."

And I did.

And a screencap of the MDWA result for good measure...

Screenshot 2021-11-12 at 16-42-39 Random Prompt Generator.png


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