Cumaná, Venezuela is the Hive Capitol of the World

This is a follow-up to my post about the Penetration Rate for Hive. Today instead of looking at countries and ranking them, I would like to examine a handful of cities and provinces where Hive appears to have a particular foothold.

The 15% penetration rate idea implies that, just as Facebook did in the early days of social networks, Hive should focus on reaching high penetration rates in a few smaller communities. For Facebook that was University campuses, for Hive it may be some cities where Hive has the potential to be particularly useful or attractive. If we can find even smaller communities, on the scale of University campuses where Hive is a perfect fit, then that can be even better.

Using the data collected for the Hive Power World Map of active users in March and their locations, I can rank particular locations to identify where we have clusters of users in a small location, eg. a city or province. I can then run another SQL query to count how many active users we have there, and use the same multiplier as in my previous post to estimate our full userbase there. Dividing that userbase by the cities metropolitan population (or of the full province), we get the local penetration rate.

These are the locations that stand out initially:

Caracas, capitol of Venezuela
Lagos, largest city in Nigeria
Aceh, province of Indonesia
Cumaná, city in Venezuela
Aragua, province in Venezuela including city of Maracay
Isla de Margarita, province in Venezuela.
Cebu, city in Philippines

I will also add Havana, capitol of Cuba, because in the last post it was shown that Cuba has the second highest penetration rate among countries.

Below are the estimated userbases in each of the top Hive cities/provinces, followed by the penetration rate once the local population is accounted for.

Estimated Hive Userbase in Top Hive Cities_Provinces.png

Estimated Penetration Rate of Top Hive Cities_Provinces.png

As we can see, Cumaná stands out even among cities with a high penetration rate for Hive. Initially I thought that this might be just because I am using an outdated population figure - however as best as I can tell it is likely that in the years since the last census, the population has declined rather than increased due to the Venezuelan migration crisis, so if anything the real penetration rate could be even higher.

Credit to @omarrojas, @omarcitorojas and many others who have worked to promote Hive in the region.

Cebu, Philippines also stands out as the highest penetration rate among anywhere outside of Venezuela.

Lagos, despite having a very large Hive community, does not have an especially high penetration rate and appears to be ranking highly primarily because of the sheer population of the city. It is expected to become the most populous city in the world by 2100.

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