Hive Power World Map - Updated with March 2023 data


Link to Interactive Map

I have updated the map of how Hive Power is distributed around the world with data from the month of March 2023. How pins are merged should be better than the first time I posted this, but I still have some progress to make on that. All the pins in this screenshot all say some variation on "Venezuela"...


I plan on doing more with the underlying data. For example, I can use it to show which countries gained active users and which declined for the month:

Change in Active Users March Feb 2023.png

Top 10 Gainers in Active Users - March 2023.png

Again, there are caveats for all this data. Any user can set whatever location they want, it can be true or false, real or fictional. Changes in the numbers may reflect real changes in our userbase, or just users changing, adding or removing the data in their location field. I have gotten some comments asking about being included in the map, so the creation of the map may also have an effect on the data.

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