Simply refreshing for summer heat.

Summer is usually known and characterised by intense heat waves that can make one feel very uncomfortable. Amongst the four seasons, summer is the hottest season but also the most liked season as there are lots of tours and relaxing to do. School vacation also mostly happens during summer.

In my part of the world, we only experience two seasons which are rainy and dry seasons. The dry seasons are akin to summer, only that the heat wave is sincerely off the charts and it makes one wonder if the devil forgot to shut hell's gate 😂😂

In order to maintain my cool during this hot period, there are some simple food and drink recipes that I whip up just to unwind and forget about the heat temporarily. I also love visiting the beach because of the cool air blown in by the waves but I'm not yet bold enough to take a dip in the mesmerizing blue waters rather I lounge in a shade to enjoy my summer drink as much as I want.

For the food recipe, theres nothing much I would love to eat than some frozen salad with some rich ranch dressing. I'm not talking about some simple coleslaw which is quite common in my country and passes for salads. What I am referring to is the real deal.

photo by Markus Winkler</sub

My mum taught me how to make such real deal salads at home. She would get the necessary ingredients like cabbage, carrot, cucumber, lettuce, kidney beans, green beans, baked beans, boiled eggs, "yoghurt* and dressings. After processing and dicing what needs to be diced, she would add all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix them properly. The boiled eggs would be deshelled and diced into small pieces before it is added into the bowl with the dressings and yoghurt generously splashed on top of the salad with some fried chicken to go with it. After all the mixing is done, the bowl with the salad will be put into the freezer for a while before we can dig in.

Oh my gosh, my mouth is watering already just talking about this recipe cos it is so delicious. I think the fact that it is cold adds a twist to the taste and a zing on the taste bud. Moreover eating such meal on a hot day is sure to cool down the discomfort of the summer heat.


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For my refreshing summer drink, I don't look too far than a tropical fruity drink because I don't do anything alcoholic, but my utmost favourite is a coconut drink. I usually get this drink from the beach as it is always sold there. Having these combo makes my summer time absolutely refreshing that I want to do it again and again.

So this is it guys, my recipes for a refreshing summer time and this post is a response to the #ecency-star prompt for the week.

Thank you all for reading..shalom.

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