If I had a time machine, I could do many things.

   First of all, go back to the past and hug many people I love who have already left. Tell them so many things that were kept in my heart, and that perhaps I did not have time to express, or that circumstances did not allow me to do so. I would take advantage of every second of the time that machine allows me, to enjoy quality moments and keep the satisfaction of what I have lived.

   The second thing I would do, would be to travel through all the corners and civilizations that attract me to the world, its creation, and its mysteries of past centuries, such as the Egyptian civilization, the Greek, the prehistoric... even the era of the dinosaurs. I am captivated by the mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids, the life of the pharaohs, their rituals and customs, how the cavemen lived, the arrival and disappearance of the dinosaurs, to see everything up close.

   Third, to travel beyond earthly life and learn about the mysteries of the threshold that divides life and death, what's on that side, what life is like after death, where people go when they die, I've always found that topic interesting, and it would be interesting to see what we can discover thanks to a time machine.

   And finally, I would like to travel in the future and know the advances and changes that the world will have a few centuries ahead of the current one. If human life is already similar to that of The Jetsons, with space vehicles and everything that was said in the children's series about the future, and that we have been slowly visualizing through time.

   Thank you for reading me. This is my entry in Ecency Support's initiative entitled: Writing Contest: If I had a time machine, I would.... Grateful to @ecency-star for the invitation, which I extend to my friends @brujita18 and @mercmarg. To participate, you can enter the featured title.


Images courtesy of Pixabay - Image 1 and Image 2
The translator used is: Deepl Translator

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