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   Although throughout my reading experience I have enjoyed many bibliographies, from literature content to informative texts, I still state that my favorite book is The Little Prince by the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupèry, because of all that this work encompasses in my maternal and professional life, to the reflective messages that its context continues to provide me.

   The Little Prince is a quite complete and complex work, as it was written by an adult honoring an adult, but in his difficult childhood moments. That tells us that its message, full of comforting and valuable teachings, is addressed to children in full physical, mental and emotional growth, but also to the adults in charge of these children, who for many moments often forget that they went through this beautiful stage of their lives before becoming grown-ups and immersing themselves in a world of constant contradictions and responsibilities at the height of their own decisions.


   When I read The Little Prince for the first time, I was in high school, finishing my high school studies. At that time I was not so deeply internalized with the work, although it had caught my attention. The text I read at that time, a classmate had lent it to me so that I could do the analysis in class, but then I bought it to have it at home. Later, my son had to analyze it in his studies and in an oversight, I stopped seeing the book, I never knew where it ended up. I have not bought it again, but I keep a copy of it in a book of literary works that I was given as a gift at the institution where I worked, since this work was my first instructive analysis of literature when I worked as a teacher of Spanish and Literature in elementary education.

   It was at that moment when I totally connected with the work and its great source of values and teachings for life. From then on, it became my indicator of guiding phrases which I use every time a situation in my life fits with its reflective content.

   Thank you for reading me. This is my entry in Ecency Support's initiative entitled: Writing Contest: My Favorite Book. Grateful to @ecency-star for the invitation, which I extend to my friends @brujita18 and @cirangela. To participate, you can enter the featured title.


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