The Episode Challenge: Challenge Recap

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The Episode Challenge: A Praetorian Bounty

The People's Guild: A Splinterlands Podcast

Welcome back to the People's Guild. We've started a new segment of the show in which we aim to engage the writers & content creators out there through a new per-episode challenge.

Elias Max Pruitt has been in Praetoria with us now for a few days and we've seen some great speculation roll in as part of the challenge - it's time for us to review our entries.

The winner will be determined by a jury of your peers - through this Peakd poll!

@Bravetofu won last week & has requested to be removed from the running this week - leaving 3 remaining contenders - @nozem01, @saydie and @altumns-supot, get ready to rally your votes!

As mentioned in our The Episode Challenge Article, the winner will earn the rights to 50% of the rewards for the post of next week's Challenge, set to drop Tuesday.

Thank you to all who participated!

The Entries

@Nozem01 : Elias Max Pruitt Review


In this article, Nozem01 shares their thoughts on the new Rebellion summoner card, Elias Max Pruitt, in Splinterlands. Although they haven't managed to obtain the card yet, they express interest in it due to its versatility and potential to offer a solid alternative to General Sloan. Despite the high cost of acquiring Elias, currently trading at over $22 per BCX, Nozem01 explores its strengths, such as adding +1 melee damage and +1 armor, which would be valuable in protecting lower-health monsters from sneak and opportunity attacks.

The article also discusses the strategic combinations that can be created with Elias, including using Uriel the Purifier with Armored Strike and Diemon Shark for a powerful double-strike setup. Nozem01 emphasizes the exciting variety of gameplay possibilities Splinterlands offers, noting that thinking through these combinations alone is part of the fun. Although Rebellion summoners are rare in the Gold and Diamond leagues, where Chaos Legion dominates, Nozem01 dreams of eventually adding Elias Max Pruitt to their collection.

They conclude by encouraging fellow players to continue exploring Splinterlands’ vast array of card synergies and strategies.

@Saydie : The Rise of Elias Max Pruitt's Resistance Against the Chaos Empire


In this article, Saydie explores the abilities of Elias Max Pruitt, a legendary summoner from the Rebellion edition in Splinterlands, and discusses the potential synergies he brings to battles. Elias Max Pruitt provides +1 melee damage and +1 armor to Life and Water element units and offers two tactical options: giving a unit Armored Strike and Piercing for offensive power, or providing Repair and Cleanse for defensive utility.

Saydie dives into how various cards can benefit from these abilities. Tanks like Commander Slade and Kralus can capitalize on Armored Strike to deal significant damage, while Inevitable can maintain its armor with Repair, ensuring the continued use of Armored Strike. Additionally, units with Reach, Opportunity, and Sneak abilities can leverage Elias's buffs to deal heavy damage, with specific examples such as Silvershield Assassin benefiting from both Double Strike and Armored Strike.

On the defensive side, units with Cleanse and Repair abilities can thrive during challenging rulesets like Earthquake or Noxious Fumes, especially frontline healers and those with Triage and Self-Heal abilities.

In conclusion, Saydie emphasizes the immense strategic depth Elias Max Pruitt offers in battles and eagerly anticipates how this summoner will perform in future encounters, particularly hoping for better luck in obtaining Elias from upcoming airdrops.

@altumns-supot : My Splinterlands Meta Report: EMP

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The article focuses on Elias Max Pruitt (EMP), a lesser-seen summoner in high-ranked Splinterlands play, and shares strategies to maximize his potential in battles. The author explains two key tactics for using EMP effectively:

  1. Tactic 1: This defensive strategy grants Armor Repair and Cleanse to a unit, making it particularly useful for negating exposed abilities like Cryptic and protecting tanks, especially in combination with a healing and taunt setup. The author suggests using EMP on units like Bera or Sea Wreck, and notes that this tactic works well against compositions that don’t rely on Scattershot. They provide several variations of the lineup, emphasizing the importance of supporting the tank with heals and proper positioning.

  2. Tactic 2: This offensive strategy utilizes Piercing and Armored Strike, allowing EMP to deal heavy damage. This tactic is effective even in no melee ruleset matches as a surprise offensive move. The author stresses the importance of balancing offense with defense, as surviving longer allows you to fully benefit from EMP's powerful abilities.

The author concludes by encouraging readers to experiment with EMP and reach out with any questions.

@bravetofu : EMP's Besties | Splinterlands


In the article, bravetofu highlights how several cards in Splinterlands benefit from Elias Max Pruitt's (EMP) tactics. Commander Slade shines with Armored Strike, especially when paired with Silverblade Fighter, making him a top-tier melee threat. Corsair Bosun benefits from Reach and Reflection Shield, allowing him to consistently attack from the second position. Nimbledook Explorer can support the team by providing Repair/Cleanse or boosting Armored Strike damage.

Isgald Vorst excels in Gladiator battles, using Armored Strike to trigger Bloodlust, while Sea Wreck becomes a durable frontline tank with both Repair/Cleanse and Armored Strike. Diemonshark and Jared Scar take full advantage of EMP’s offensive abilities, increasing their damage output and, in Jared Scar’s case, gaining more chances to trigger Bloodlust.

Other cards, like Thanalorian Scion and Ulundin Overseer, deal massive damage with Armored Strike, while Silverblade Fighter boosts the entire team's armor and grants Reach to second-position units. Olivia of the Brook uses Opportunity to benefit from Armored Strike regardless of position, and Evelyn Auvera excels against Tofu with her high armor and Thorns/Reflection Shield. Finally, Nalara Geinek and Legionnaire Alvar can deliver significant damage using their high armor combined with Armored Strike.

Bravetofu concludes by inviting readers to suggest more pairings that could work well with EMP.

Click on #TPGCHALLENGE and be sure to favorite the tag & follow along for all of our future challenges!

As a note, our weekly challenge will be based upon any of the following:

  • A Monster or Summoner
  • An Ability
  • A Ruleset
  • An Element
  • A Mana Cap
  • A suggested Ability or Ruleset
  • A Player Bounty
  • Other Hive-related Games or DAPPS

We're trying to come up with some fair measures (perhaps # of comments, # of reblogs & shares, something else entirely?) and some cool reward ideas - in the meantime, we'd love to hear from you all. Let us know your suggestions for any/all of the above!

Also, drop a comment & let us know if this challenge would be something you'd enjoy.

Let the battles begin!


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Looking for an active, competitive guild? Look no further. Hop into the official YGGSPL Discord and say hello.
Or head straight to the Brawlers community. See you there!

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Welcome to the People's Guild

We are always looking to hear personal journeys through Splinterlands & Hive. Whether you've got questions, comments, suggestions, epic battles or you just want to say hello, drop us a line at or Twitter.

We drop new episodes every Thursday UTC, so don't forget to subscribe to the show wherever you get your podcasts!

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The Episode Challenge: Challenge Recap
You may select 1 choices
@altumns-supot: My Splinterlands Meta Report: EMP
@nozem01: Elias Max Pruitt Review
@saydie: The Rise of Elias Max Pruitt's Resistance Against the Chaos Empire
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1 column
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