The shield is a great thing!_Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!


A big hello to all the wonderful players who love the fun game of Splitterlands, I will talk here in this blog about new battle strategies that I used in my battles during this period, I always and every time try to provide something useful and interesting for players and fans of this game and also I try to help some players, especially new players, to discover the best tactics and use them in battles.

In my last blog, I talked about something very important to me, which is the back line in the battle, which is mostly made up of defenders or magicians, and I also talked about how we can make this line and defenders the best possible, in many of my battles I depend on defenders They are good in the back or wizards too, so I talked in my last blog about the best summoner that can be used with defenders and the lowest cost for monsters, you can read it through this link:

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Read this blog well and try some of the plans I mentioned in it and leave me your opinion on the plans in the comments, I hope it will be useful to you!

Let's go back to the new plan

This time I decided to rely on something and on a different summoner that makes me much more protected than the other summoners and that definitely gives me a greater chance to live and live for a much longer period because it distracts the opponent, what is this summoner and why is it so useful?
The awesome summoner that I used and decided to rely on in my battles and in my new plan is this amazing summoner DRAKE OF ARNAK, this summoner gives all monsters in my team an extra shield and makes all monsters much more protected which scatter my opponent's monsters too and helps me kill them Faster than them, this armor is very important for monsters as I will explain in the battles.

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For all fans of this game and lovers of investment, they can buy the card of this monster and keep it as their own NFT, this is very useful for investors, especially since the price of this card is very acceptable to all players because its current price is approximately $ 8.5 and this considered cheap:

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In this blog, I will talk about some wonderful battles in which I used this amazing summoner with many different teams and monsters, I will explain each battle in detail and what monsters did I use in each battle and why I used these monsters with this summoner.

The most important battles I played with DRAKE OF ARNAK

The first battle in which I used this summoner was this very exciting battle, as I used this summoner in a very small battle and this battle only required 13 mana caps, however, I used 5 monsters in my team. As for the opponent, he only used 3 monsters, but I put In the front are two great victims and they don't take any mana cap and this made me use more monsters in the team and this helps me very much in distracting the opponent.
I used in my team, as I said before, two victims in the front and behind them a wonderful magician, and this magician was amazing in this battle, and also great defenders, and with the wonderful summoner ability, all the monsters in my team had a shield and this protected them very much.

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The second battle that I played with this summoner was this battle, in which I used awesome monsters from the death squad, this battle required 16 mana caps so it is a little bigger than the battle before, so I put in the front a great striker who has a very strong heart and hit Amazing and in addition to that for me he has an ability that I like a lot against attackers and it is the ability of thorns, it is a very great ability and you can see that during the battle.
I put a victim directly behind the attacker that contributes to distracting the opponent's monsters a little while my monsters beat the opponent's monsters, and some of this victim put three amazing monsters, including a back attacker and two defenders and with the shield that the summoner gives to monsters, my team is great, click on the link and watch how things went in the battle:

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The third battle in which I used this special summoner was a very wonderful battle and at the same time easy for me, this battle was almost a big battle because it needs 26 mana caps and this crosses a large number almost and many powerful monsters can be used in it and this is what I did.
With this summoner, I used very special monsters from the fire team, and I put very powerful monsters in front, and what I like the most about him is that he has a wonderful shield ability, In this battle I also used a very useful striker in attacking the weaker opponent's monsters and this helps me get rid of the opponent's monsters quickly and I put amazing defenders in the back and I like to use it a lot, all these wonderful monsters made me win easily, you can watch the battle through this link :

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In the fourth battle, I also used a special team of fire team monsters, this team is a wonderful team of four monsters, as I put two wonderful victims in the foreground, as I did in the first battle, and because these two victims help me a lot in dispelling the opponent’s monsters, as I said previously, me and also I put behind these two victims a magician who loves him a lot because he has a good kick, which is 2, and also a good heart. I put in the last place an amazing defender who has a powerful kick and also has a great speed, which is 4, and most importantly is the ability that he possesses, which is Blast, this The battle was very exciting and fun, and you can watch it through this link:
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The last battle was very interesting for me because the competition for victory remained until the last moments and this is what impressed me the most. I love such battles more than easy battles, so I will talk a little about this battle.

What happened during the battle rounds?


In the first round and before the start of the battle, this is how my team and the opponent’s team were. I relied on the shield in this battle and on protecting monsters, but the opponent was relying on a summoner who gives his monsters an extra heart.

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After the end of the first round and with the beginning of the second round, the opponent managed to kill the first victim in my team, and I was very close to killing his monster and his main attacker who put it in front.

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With the end of the second round and with the beginning of the third round, things became more exciting and I was able to kill the opponent's attacker and also the opponent was able to kill another monster in my team and this made the battle more interesting.

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With the beginning of the fourth round and the end of the third round, I also managed to kill two other monsters from the opponent's team, and there were two monsters in my team and two monsters in my opponent's team, but the two monsters in the opponent's team are defenders, and this made things more difficult for him.

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In the fifth and final round, there are two monsters in my team and one monster in my opponent's team, after I managed to kill another monster from the opponent's team, and this made things very easy for me and I managed to achieve the victory.

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What do I think of the summoner?

I think the summoner is very ideal with a lot of teams, it is suitable for most of the teams and monsters in this game, but the best team for me with this summoner is the fire team because in this team there are a lot of monsters that suit this monster and I also think any plan with This summoner would be very ideal, especially in small battles, but this summoner is not suitable at all against magicians because the magician's strike directly passes the shield, however, he is a perfect summoner!


I really hope that this blog is very useful for you and that it is also interesting and not boring. I hope that my next posts here with you will also be interesting, thank you for your time to read!

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