A new and very wonderful plan and the lowest costs_Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!


I am a fan of the Splinterlands game and always looking for the best plans, I am a person who is always working on creating content that benefits the novice players in this game who are trying to develop in their level and climb to better leagues and invest some money and make more porn, always any A Splinterlands player is looking for things like this to advance more and more and I'm here to help everyone.

In the last challenge, I shared some battles about a wonderful monster that has two very great abilities that players can use with many wonderful tactics, this amazing monster is a GIANT ROC, this monster has two abilities, which are flying and reach, these two abilities make this monster very useful in Many difficult cases and battles, I explained a lot about this monster and about some of the battles I lost because of my bad choice of formations, and I also talked about the best formations that this monster can be used with, for more details you can click on the link below to read the blog:

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I thought the blog was very interesting and useful, right!

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Always for me as a content maker it is better to share all my topics online and on my accounts, this definitely helps the players who follow me to get and play with the best plans always and this is what I want so I try to publish my blog everywhere, and this also helps us spread the game more among people and thus getting more popularity for Splinterlands!

Now in this blog I will talk about the best tactics that can be used with defenders and the best summoner that can be used to achieve great victories with defenders, I will also talk about some of the battles I lost and explain why I lost these battles and why I won the other battles, I will try to make everything look easy It's clear to you, let's get started!

The best summoner to use with defenders is GENERAL SLOAN, this summoner gives all defenders in the team extra strike power and therefore we will have a very strong back line if we rely on a large number of defenders in the back line and this is exactly what I am trying to adopt in this plan, but this The summoner does not fit all plans, and this is what I will explain now.

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Some of the battles I lost:

This battle was against magicians, although I used a very strong team of great defenders, I lost easily to the opponent, this battle required 99 mana caps and this is a big number and therefore this battle is very big and we can use all the powerful monsters and this What I did where I used a wonderful monster in front and has an amazing Taunt's ability, this monster is a very big victim to deflect opponent's monsters using his ability and in the back line I used 5 very strong defenders but that was never enough in front of this opponent's summoner OBSIDIAN who offers extra strike power for all magicians and the opponent also used a great team of magicians with this summoner so things were easy for him.

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This is another battle I lost because of the great opponent team, the opponent was relying on a really perfect summoner for me and I used it in a lot of battles and this summoner is DRAKE OF ARNAK and this summoner gives an extra shield to all the team’s monsters and even though I used a good team and four Defenders in the back, but the striker that I put in front was not good at all in this battle because he is very weak and also died quickly because of the ability of the thorns that the opponent has, in the end the opponent managed to win because of all these reasons and also because of the magician that the opponent used in the center The latter and because of his special ability.

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Another battle I lost against another opponent and a different summoner, this battle was not my plan at all easy or weak, it was very good and excellent, but unfortunately I lost due to the ability of the opponent’s monsters to flying, which helped him escape from many of my monsters’ strikes and this gave life Much taller and I helped him beat me, the opponent here was using this summoner KELYA FRENDUL which gives the team an extra shield and speed and this also helped him win.

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Some conclusions from these battles:

I presented these battles to me to avoid these mistakes and to avoid using this plan in front of these difficult monsters, and the most important of these mistakes were:
Using this plan in front of witches was a big mistake and should be avoided
We must also avoid putting a weak monster in front, but we must put a strong monster in front to scatter the opponent's monsters, so it is difficult to rely on this plan in small battles.


I will now talk about a great battle that I played using this wonderful summoner, and I will talk about the monsters that I used in this plan and why I used these monsters, I will try to explain in detail how things went through this plan so that everything seems clear to you.

The monsters and summoners that I used:

The summoner that I used in this battle was this wonderful GENERAL SLOAN and this summoner, as I talked about earlier, provides extra punch power to all the defenders with him in the team and that is exactly what I want because I am looking for a strong back line of defenders in my team.

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The first monster that I used and put it in front was this amazing monster SHIELDBEARER, I love to use this monster with the life team because it has a good heart and also has a wonderful armor and this makes it very much protected from the attacks of opponent monsters and also this monster has a good hit and Acceptable speed, and the most important thing is that he has a perfect ability for this team, which is a "Taunt", and this ability makes this monster receive all the opponent's strikes, and therefore it scatter the opponent's monsters while my monsters hit the opponent's monsters.


The second monster that I put in the back line was this fierce defender LONE BOATMAN, this defender has a good heart and also has a shield and a good hit which is 2, although these features are not supernatural, but what is important to me is the ability that this monster has, which is "Snipe", this ability makes this monster direct its strikes at the opponent's defenders and backline.

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And because I adore sniping, I put this MANTOID in third place, this monster has a wonderful heart, which is 5, and this makes it live for a long time. Also, this monster has a good hit, which is 2, and its speed is also acceptable, which is 2, most important of all as I previously said that this monster has an amazing ability for me, which is "snipe", which I explained earlier, this defender and the defender before him will quickly kill the opponent's defenders and make the opponent's back line weaker.


In the fourth place I used this amazing monster PORTAL SPINNER, this monster has a good heart and is 3 and also has one armor and that makes killing this monster difficult, in addition to that this monster has an amazing ability and is "scattershot" which is a random blow from This monster is one of the opponent's monsters and it can often be very necessary for me.

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In fifth place I used a monster that I love a lot and this monster is PELACOR ARBALEST, I really love using this amazing and very special monster, even though he has a weak heart and it is only 2 and speed is not superb and it is also only 2 but it is very important to me It is the super ability of this great monster, which is Double Strike, and this ability makes this monster in each round hit two consecutive hits and this causes a lot of damage to the opponent's monsters.

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In the sixth and last place I put this very special SUPPLY RUNNER monster and this monster is a great defender for me and I use it in many of my battles when I rely on defenders in the plan, this defender has a good kick and also a good heart and amazing speed which is 3, These cool features make me constantly use this monster in my battles.

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These were the awesome monsters that I used in my plan and I think that everything went exactly as I wanted, really the battle was very cool and exciting also and to see how the battle went before I talk about it in detail you can click on this link:

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How things went during the battle rounds in detail?


In the first round and before the start of the battle, this was my team and the opponent team, the opponent was relying on a very strong fire team with this wonderful summoner TARSA, which gives an extra heart and extra punch power to all the attackers in the team and certainly this makes the team very strong.

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Fortunately after the end of the first round and with the beginning of the second round I was able to kill a very important monster in the opponent and it is a wonderful magician and I was able to do so because of the great sniping of my monsters.

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With the beginning of the third round and the end of the second round, I managed to kill two more monsters from the opponent's team, and the opponent was able to kill only one monster from my team, and my team had 5 monsters, and in the opponent's team only 3 monsters, and this made the battle very easy.

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With the beginning of the fourth and penultimate round, only two monsters remain in the opponent's team, but in my drowning there may be four monsters, which was much better than the opponent's team. In the third round, I managed to kill a monster from the opponent's team, and the opponent also killed a monster from my team.

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After the end of the fourth round, I managed to kill another monster from the opponent team, and only one monster was left in the front, and with the beginning of the fifth round, things became very easy, and this round was the last round.

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Battle Analysis

Was the GENERAL SLOAN well?
I think that the summoner here in this battle was very perfect and can be used in many battles like this big battle, but as I said earlier, this summoner is not suitable for some battles and some opponents as it happened above, so I advise everyone to use this amazing summoner and always search To find the best plans to use with it.

What strategy did I use?
As I said before, this summoner is very useful when you play with a large number of defenders in your team, and since the battle requires 99 mana caps, it is a big battle and we can use a lot of monster and strong defenders in it, so I relied on a very strong attacker in the foreground. And he can resist and withstand the many blows of the opponent’s monsters and contribute to distracting the opponent, and I relied on five super defenders who made things look very easy for me because of their wonderful and very powerful strikes, really it is a great battle!



Some of the pictures on this blog are taken from:

Some of the other photos are from the official Splinterlands website.

I hope blogs like this are interesting and exciting for you, thanks for taking the time to read!

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