Fastest Battle I've ever won. Gladiator Arena!

I've played a lot of Splinterlands but this was probably my fastest battle ever.

It's a guild battle so I always want a win to help support the team. Sometimes I do well, and others I let my guild down. This time I'm off to a good start!


It was a 16 mana battle with only Death, Life, and Dragon Splinter. With such low mana I figured I'd be going up against a wide variety of little opponents. There was also fury (wasn't going to use taunt) and multiple trample.

I figured Desert Dragon! With piercing and trample with the boost from Daria I could stomp the opposition!

I was right to choose as I see a bunch of little opponents!


He attacks first as my team is slowed by his ooze. My rear blocker and Sola Ranjel take hits but they are still in the battle. Now its my turn. The harpy will attack the ooze then the question is does the angel or dragon attack next. Yes, it makes a difference.


The angel attacked first weakening the beetle. After that its all over. The Desert Dragon kills the beetle, then proceeds to take out everything else.

All over in the first round!


My fastest battle every.

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