Art Week 247 // Herbalist Catches JIJI-Shroom


"Herbalist is confused!!!"

(SSR Ingredient Obtained)

Fungal Friday Madness!




(Just now)

I have hit a mental wall, wherein im not sure how to continue with this secret project i have that will surprise everyone from a specific discord server of which about half the mods smoke weed.

Since i wanna take a break and rest for a bit, i decided to finish the mushroom drawing and participate for this week's splinterlands contest.

Was thinking of passing this week as well, until i saw the sheer amount of fungus content. Both photographic and drug related. One of which is hallucinogenic the other decieving me with pictures taken from the past century.

A Short Side-Story


Herbalist from Splinterlands!

I am slowly going insane. Since i could do Art, video-editing and vocaloid stuff. Surely music would just be another gem added to my Gauntlet of power.

No It Wasn't!

Well, bit music or a simple bg track would have been possible.

BUt naaaaah!

THis is the secret project we are talking about. I have to - .....

Youtube: 1-month since last upload

Takuri: *Help! Im dying.


To any musician whom recognizes these programs. I Salute you! Putting it into simpler terms. If a artist studies human anatomy. Learning how to compose music is like talking to aliens.

Each note, symphony, chord, string or whatever. But instead of words or form that is universally recognized such as me speak english and big booba = WOAH!


Me and my friend would be in a call for hours trying to figure stuff out. Like the C5 note sounds off and him judging if the note sounds like a Banger or Ear rape. When i was live-streaming it on discord wouldn't help since my ping was so high.

He ended up downloading the program as well. Grrrrrrrrrr imma just save the rest of producers notes when i upload the project.

Going back to the art.

Herbalist finds the ultra rare Jiji-Shroom!

On pink hazed cotton valley. There after collecting all the Flavors of power, Herbalist accidentally stumbled upon a odd patch mushroom. *Rustle *Rustle.


After hearing the sounds coming from those seemingly normal mushrooms, picking the biggest off the ground revealed its biggest secret! Its @jijisaurart pretending to be a mushroom. But what could she be doing here and why is she wearing a mushroom costume!

Bamboozled by this revelation, Herbalist proceeded to observe and even poke the Jiji-Shroom for a reaction. But this mushroom creature is very good at acting.

*Note: Originally there was a river behind, some bushes and rocks. But ehhh, i went with something else. Grrrrrr


Not sure why, but herbalist got turned into a Neko with a Teapot on her head And yess we doing gender-swap. *Added the Iconic Axolotl hat for Jiji and the Zipper.

I was wondering if i should just put grass like what depicted on the card, but nahhhhh we going to carry over the SPL Food Lore!







Welcome to the Cotton Valley! Just a few dozen kilometers where Vrun lives.

A dangerous area, where everything is made of Cotton candy, except the ground and trunk. Its made of chocolate! A single seed was planted here by Willy Wonka himself! But after many many years. Not only the forest but the very landscape itself has been influenced by the power of Food!

As such, today i will show you the process on how i made this. UwU

For the first three images, its just your simple

Outline / Base Color / Shadows / Adjacent Colors

Followed by the rest which consist of

Water Color / Gradients!

UwU im going to shoot you if your wondering why no Color codes!

Grrrrrrrrrr Too many colors to profile individually.

Next is Taku Herbalist






Hmmm where should i start.

Firstly, its a habit of mine to draw a teapot on the head instead of using a signature. Because i like it UWU.

And yess

If your wondering is those are the Flavors of Power! Also the Basket is made of Candy and chocolate.








The 1st and 2nd images are Outline and Base Colors

*Looking back, the cloths looked more alike the original but that got scuffed later.

3rd Image is Shadows, Lighting and Smoothing.

Grrrr that Jiji-shroom is sweating like crazy. Hahhaaahah! *Ler her cook!

4th Image consist of the extras and finishing touches.

Glow + Air-Brush and EYESSSSS


I wanna get as close as possible to those glass EYES!






Wanted to try and see if turning off some of the gradients would do something. Huhuhuh maybe.

Links and other Stuff!

Google drive file

Inspiration: @ewkaw (GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR)

Inspiration: @jijisaurart (Your move!)

Reference: Homepage

My youtube channel

Splinterlands Website

Medibang (Drawing program used)

UwU i guess that's about it.

Im so tired both physically and mentally about this project im trying to tackle solo. I appreciate the help that my friend has given me both as a listener and distraction.

HEEEEEEEEELP i don't want to watch random internet memes everything he has to listen to a compose i made.

It was funny for the 1st hour. And the rest of the 4hr call is a drag.

But one-day! Not sure when, imma finish this GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

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