splinterlands miniatura larissa.jpg

Esta combinación es destructiva. Usando a Larissa con la regla de Born Again será la muerte. Por supuesto, siempre que no tengamos algún oportunista, auqnue de igual manera busqué protejerme con un martir que tenía poca vida. Algo importante es no colocar a Larissa de última por si a caso haya sneaks, que efectívamente hubo.

This combination is destructive. Using Larissa with the Born Again rule will be death. Of course, as long as we don't have any opportunist, even though I tried to protect myself with a martyr who had little life. Something important is not to place Larissa last in case there are sneaks, which indeed there were.


Larissa va al medio. El gran Lobito disminuye la magia de Oshannus; esto fue fundamental, aunque la vieja habría podido curarlo completo, fue un tanque genial.

Tenía unos buenos snakes, pero les costaría llega a mi Larissa. Ella es lo importante. Toda la estrategia se basa en ella, si muere pierdo.

Larissa goes to the middle. The big Lobito diminishes the magic of Oshannus; this was fundamental, although the old one could have healed him completely, it was a great tank.

I had some good snakes, but they would have a hard time getting to my Larissa. She is the important thing. The whole strategy is based on her, if she dies I lose.


Mi martir colocado estratégicamente para que reciba golpes por la regla de snipe, pero de forma misteriosa no muere. Mientras Larissa con su doble golpe, crece y crece en cada turno. Esta es la mejor habilidad para un Gladius en Born Again. Este caso es mejor porque no se frena con los escudos. Quora también es buena porque pega dos veces pero si hay escudo solo matará una vez por turno.

My martyr strategically placed to receive hits by the snipe rule, but in a mysterious way does not die. While Larissa with her double hit, grows and grows every turn. This is the best ability for a Gladius in Born Again. This case is better because it is not slowed by shields. Quora is also good because it hits twice but if there is a shield it will only kill once per turn.


Larissa ya mató a todos los que podía con snipe; ahora peleará con Oshannus en nivel dos. Debe ganar antes que los sneak lleguen a pegarle.

Larissa already killed everyone she could with snipe; now she will fight Oshannus at level two. She must win before the sneak can hit her.


Mi martir quedó vivo y eso no me gustó. Sin embargo en este momento Oshannus era vencido por Larissa porque en cada turno pega con +12 de magia.

My martyr was left alive and I didn't like that. However at this moment Oshannus was defeated by Larissa because in each turn he hits with +12 magic.


Mataron la primera vez a mi vieja. Larissa ahora pega con +16, una bestialidad. Ella los elimina en un solo turno y a pesar de su corta vida, ya ha suvido a +9.

They killed my old lady the first time. Larissa now hits with +16, a bestiality. She eliminates them in one turn and despite her short life, she's already up to +9.


Mataron a mi vieja pero no hay nada que hacer. Larissa ya tiene un poder de magia de +10, lo que hace que en cada turno pegue con +20. Esto es invencible. Creo que solo Quora sería rival.

They killed my old lady but there is nothing to do. Larissa already has a magic power of +10, which makes her hit with +20 every turn. This is invincible. I think only Quora would be a match.


Ahora solo queda ver hasta donde logra crecer Larissa. Me pregunto cuál es el record.

Now we just have to see how far Larissa manages to grow. I wonder what the record is.


Increíble que mataron a mi Lobito, es tremenda carta. Increíble que quedara vivo mi martir, me hubiese dado mucho más poder a Larissa, que logró un +14 de magia, +15 de velocidad y +15 de vida. Eso quiere decir que en ese moemento pegaría por cada turno con +28 😱

Unbelievable that they killed my Lobito, it's a tremendous card. Unbelievable that my martyr stayed alive, it would have given me much more power to Larissa, who got +14 magic, +15 speed and +15 life. That means that at that moment I would hit for each turn with +28 😱.

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