Weekly Challenge! Share Your Battle: Dragons

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Hi everybody,

My name is @shawnnft and I'm here to share my challenge blog post for the Share Your Battle Challenge. The theme featured this week is Dragons. Out of the dragon monsters, I chose to highlight Chaos Dragon for this weekly challenge. It's a 14 mana magic monster that has flying and scattershot so it is able to hit any target. In later levels, it also gains blast and blind. In my opinion, this card is super good in high mana cap battles. It's super good in holy shield battles because the blast can help remove divine shield from more than one enemy with only one attack. It's also useful if the opponent has a taunt creature because the scattershot can ignore the taunt.


The Battle & Discussing My Lineup

I played this battle on my scholar account, bltzr-wizard-727. The battle link can be found here. This battle is in diamond modern league. The ruleset for this battle was standard meaning there was no ruleset modifications with a 46 mana cap. Earth, death and life elements weren't allowed in this battle. I chose Quix because I felt it was the strongest summoner in this situation.

First Position, Baakjira - I chose Baakjira in the first position as the secondary tank since it can heal itself and gives a good debuff by slowing enemy team by 1 speed.

Second Position, Venator Kinji - I chose Venator Kinjo in this second position because I was afraid the opponent would play Yodin so this gave me protection from Yodin if they were to play it. Venator Kinjo was also good since it can amplify Wave Brood's return fire. Venator Kinjo also had a slow which help debuff opponent by another 1 speed.

*Third Position, Chaos Dragon - I chose Chaos Dragon for this fourth position because it was a relatively safe position in the middle and a decent follow up tank during the mid to late game of the battle. It was a super solid choice with the scattershot blast which helped do a lot of aoe damage as well as ignore any possible taunt monsters.

Fourth Position, Venari Crystalsmith - I chose Venari Crystalsmith in this fourth spot to help heal incase the my Pelacor Conjuer so it can sustain longer as a tank. It also gave decent damage and could dispel any buffs on enemy tank.

Fifth Position, Runi - I chose Runi in this fifth position to have an additional reflection shield since my final position is a taunt monster which would have prevented any splash damage from a Yodin. It's also good because it can follow up my Deep Lurker in attacking the weakest enemy monsters with opportunity. It also can't miss and has a built in self-revive. This card is a bit busted in my opinion as it has won me a lot of battles.

Final Position, Wave Brood - I chose Wave Brood in the final spot as the main tank. It's a solid main tank that can taunt and soak damage with void as well as return some damage with return fire if hit by ranged attacks.



Did My Strategy Work? & Would I try differently next time?

Yes, my strategy worked. If you watched the battle, I completely defeated my opponent NFTY-WARRIOR which I feel is a pretty strong player. My Wave Brood did it's job tanking most of the enemy's damage. I was able to take down the opponent's Wave Brood first and their backline before they could take mine which led me to victory. With the cards I had and considering the ruleset and outcome of this battle, I don't think I would have tried differently next time.


Do I Like Dragons? Why Or Why Not?

To answer this, I do like Dragons. I believe I mentioned this before in a past weekly challenge featuring dragons. Dragons can be super strong in high mana rulesets as well as flying. I enjoy playing them in these situations. Dragons are probably the coolest type of creatures in the game in my opinion. Even in Yugioh or Pokemon everyone knew the dragons.


The End

If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. In my one of my latest blog post, I discussed about low mana sneak lineups for Max Level battles. If you are interested in this, you can find the blog here.

If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use this link here. If you did use my referal link, let me know in the comment section, I will do my best to help whether that be delegating you cards, sending you cards and teaching you how to play. Once again, thank you so much.



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