Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Some Lineups Playing With CL MAX & CL Rewards Cards Only Part 1


Brief Introduction

Hi Everybody,

I'm @shawnnft. Today I wanted to share some lineups that I use to climb in modern ranked using only CL Max and CL Reward Cards. This will be part 1 of a series of strategies that I use for climbing. The focus for part 1 will be low mana sneak battles. These are just for references with some explanations behind it. These lineups aren't perfect; feel free to modify as you wish.


Low Mana Sneak Battles

Usually for low mana battles, I like to play sneak which in my opinion is pretty standard for affordable low mana battle lineups. Maybe in higher top tier lineups you might see Mylor to counter these sneak lineups but you won't really see max Mylors that much in diamond and low champion as it is quite pricy. There's many variations to play sneak lineups but I will just share some that I use and you can feel free to play around and see what works for you. You can ignore the percentages as I created these photos to show the lineup.


Baakjira Sneak 20 Mana Lineup


Baakjira sneak is one of the infamous lineups in low mana battles. This is usually my go to lineup for 20 mana battles. This lineup focuses on Baakjira tanking and healing itself while Pelacor Bandit & Uraeus hit the enemy team's backline. As low mana battles are usually a sneak mirror, Chaos Agent is a good choice to cover the backline with Angelic Mandarin to triage and heal the back as well as reduce any magic damage from the opponent's team. The go to summoner would be Kelya followed by Rathe sneak or Quix sneak depending on what elements are available in the ruleset.


Fun 14 Mana Lineup


This is a fun lineup I like to throw in sometimes because you can get wins sometimes from something unexpected. I don't recommend this lineup but thought it would be fun to throw in this blog since most of these lineups are serious. This can be a solid team if you know opponent is going for sneak as well in a 14 mana battle.


Rathe Sneak 17 Mana Lineup


Honestly, Lux Vega would be the better summoner here but scholar accounts don't have Lux Vegas so Rathe is a decent alternative. Similar concept with the Baakjira lineup except Pelacor Conjurer is the tank.


Quix 16 Mana Sneak Lineup

This lineup is super aggressive. There is no armor in this lineup but you got a lot of speed difference because Quix gives - 1 speed and Soul Fiend & Naga Assassin both give +1 speed. This can be a good alternative if you don't like the Rathe sneak lineup.




Honestly, there's many ways to play these battles. That's the beauty of Splinterlands because of all the different possible lineups that can be made within a certain ruleset. Sometimes it's just rock, paper scissors or in some cases it's just RNG and you or your opponent win by luck due to misses. I hope this post was able to give some ideas on low mana sneak battle lineup variations. I also hope that this post is able to help my fellow Balthazar scholars win more battles. I will do more analysis on other ruleset and mana caps in future social media posts. So stay tuned for Part 2.


Thank you!

Past Blog
If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. In my one of my latest blog post, I discussed about my S101 End Of Season Scholarship Summary. If you are interested in this, you can find the blog here.

Referral Link
If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use this link here. If you did use my referal link, let me know in the comment section, I will do my best to help whether that be delegating you cards, sending you cards and teaching you how to play. Once again, thank you so much.



Thumbnail photo I got from Splinterlands Social Media Challenge Post
Photos of lineups I took screenshots from making the lineups on Splintertools
Blog Dividers I got from thepeaktudio

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