Share Your Battle Weekly Challenge: XENITH ARCHER (With Giveaway Raffle #16)


Hello everyone. It's me again. I'm so happy to be posting again. Hope you would like my article.


Introduction of Xenith Archer

Xenith Archer lv1.PNG

The Xenith Archer is a low mana cost, ranged attacking monster. The advantage is that you only need to spend 2 mana points. But it's a slow monster that doesn't have any special abilities of its own. It will be suitable for some specific battle rules such as "Reverse Speed", "Close Range" and "Little League" etc. Especially in the case of "Reverse Speed", it will be very effective to cooperate with the Summoner who can increase the monster's range attack power.


The Battle rule


It was a battle that can be use 23 manas.
All type of monsters can be used except Life desk in this battle.

Little League:
Only Monsters & Summoners that cost 4 Mana or less may be used in battles.

Team selection precautions

This battle can only use monsters with no more than 4 manas, so when selecting monsters, you need to place monsters with higher health value in the front, and need monsters with high attack power to attack. As much as possible, select monsters that can attack in every position to form a team to maximize the attack power of the entire team in each round.

I think under the Little League rules, it is more advantageous to use Water or Earth monsters. Because you can choose the magic-type summoner Alric Stormbringer or Obsidian in these two desks, coupled with other magic attack monsters with a mana cost below 4, the attack power will be quite powerful. Of course, the premise is that there must be a suitable tank in front.

Alric Stormbringer (2).PNGObsidian (2).PNG

Magic type Summoners of Water and Earth desk.

But since my Daily Focus is on using fire, I'll go with fire monsters. In order to cope with the situation where the enemy uses magic attack monsters, I need to select monsters with relatively high health value to line up in front. Because most magical monsters have no armor protection, I will choose monsters with "Opportunity" and "Sneak" abilities to attack the enemy's monsters in the middle and back rows.


My Team


Summoners: Tarsa (Level 2)

A summoner that can increase the team's health and melee attack by 1 point each. Low-mana cost monsters generally have less health, and Tarsa can just give them support. And Tarsa can also increase the attack power of my "Opportunity" and "Sneak" ability monsters, so Tarsa is the best choice.

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First position: Antoid Platoon (Level 3)

I expected the enemy's tanks to be melee attacking monsters, so I chose Antoid Platoon as the team's Tank. It has the "Shield" ability, which reduces melee damage by 1 point. I expect Antoid Platoon to resist opponent 3 turn attack.

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Second position: Scavo Firebolt (Level 2)

The Scavo Firebolt with 2 ranged attack and 4 health, I put it in second place, hoping that its health can resist the opponent's attack for 3 turns.

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Third position: Xenith Archer (Level 1)

This week's main character, I put Xenith Archer in third place. I need its 3 health to help defend against the opponent's 2 turn attack. As for its attack power, it will help the opponent a little bit.

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Fourth position: Serpentine Spy (Level 3)

Serpentine Spy is my main attacker in this battle. Its 4 speed is very fast among monsters with mana cost less than 4. With its "Opportunity" ability, I expect it to make the first attack in each round, destroy the enemy's magic attack monster with the weakest health, and reduce the enemy's damage to us.

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Fifth position: Elven Cutthroat (Level 1)

Elven Cutthroat is another monster with speed. It will cooperate with Uraeus to attack the enemy's back together.

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Last position: Uraeus (Level 2)

Uraeus at Level 2 is not very fast, but has good attack power, and it has armor, although it is only 1, it is not bad. Expect it to join forces with Elven Cutthroat to destroy monsters at the back.


Game Play

Unexpectedly, my enemy actually used fire monsters like me, and also used Tarsa as a summoner. In his lineup, there are two monsters with "Opportunity" ability, and one "Poison" ability Doctor Blight. Who wins and who loses? Now let's take a look at the video of the battle.



Round 1 and 2

After all summoners/monster abilities added. The enemy's Exploding Rats attacked first, taking damage to both my Antoid Platoon and Scavo Firebolt. While his Exploding Rats were quickly wiped out by my Serpentine Spy, my Elven Cutthroat was wiped out without attacking. Fortunately, my Uraeus also knocked down the enemy's Parasitic Growth, but my Xenith Archer couldn't do any damage to the enemy's Antoid Platoon, and the battle entered the second round with 4 monsters left on both sides.

In the second round, I lost the Antoid Platoon and Scavo Firebolt in the front, and Xenith Archer was poisoned by the enemy Doctor Blight attack. We also destroyed the enemy's Scorch Fiend and Serpentine Spy in succession. Here comes the third round.



Round 3 and 4

At the start of the third round, my Xenith Archer died of poisoning. Due to the speed advantage of our monsters, the enemy's Antoid Platoon will be quickly destroyed. In the fourth round, I got a smooth victory.


In this battle, I and the enemy are very close in the concept of the formation. Both of us are to put the monsters with more health in front, and then use the monsters with "Opportunity" or "Sneak" ability as the main attack. I was able to win because of luck. During the battle, my two main attack monsters, Serpentine Spy and Uraeus, were not attacked, so they were able to defeat them with speed in the final stage of the battle.

Under the rules of Little League, it is more secure to use Water or Earth type monsters with magic attack monsters. In particular, Earth monsters with Queen Mycelia. Who has the "Potect" ability, adding 2 points of armor protection to the entire team, and the odds of winning are higher.

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"Potect" ability monster in Earth desk, Queen Mycelia.

This battle is actually not the right environment to use Xenith Archer. But Xenith Archer can also be useful as long as it is paired with the right Summoner and specific combat rules.


Giveaway Time

The result of #15 Giveaway raffle is:



Cards of #16 Giveaway raffle is:

Venari Bonesmith(2).png


  1. Leave a comment below to grab the first ticket (specify if it is not the same as here), like the post to get one more ticket.
  2. You will be enrolled into the raffle.
  3. The winner will be picked when this post pays out in 7 days.
  4. I will tag all participants in the next raffle post please state in comment if you do not want.
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