Winning Battles on an Even Playing Field

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Hello there! @Saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

I'm here for this week's Battle Mage Secrets with the featured rule set Evens Stevens. It is a rule set where only even mana cost monsters can be used on battles with the exception of summoners.

The Battle that I will show to you this week was from my @saydie account which has a max level diamond deck delegation from NFTY arcade and is currently playing on the Diamond league but before I show you the battle, let us learn more about this rule set.

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Evens Stevens

Rule Set Icon
  • Only Monsters with even Mana costs may be used in battles.
  • There are no special tricks for this ruleset, but having an idea of mana points of a few monsters helps in predicting what your opponent can and cannot use.

Cards of Consideration

As players can only use Even mana cards, there are times that we cannot the full card slot due to the mana cap being odd and because of this, using Furious Chicken and the Fiends could help with this as 0 mana cards are also considered to even and they can be just a damage sponge to absorbed an attack but at certain levels, it gains abilities that could potentially be helpful to win the match.

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Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup


Rule Set

04- Diamond 1 Modern.png
Diamond League
Modern Format
41 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 02-Water.png Water, 6-Dragon.png Dragon
lost legendaries.png
Lost Legendaries
Legendary Monsters may not be used in battles.
Weak Magic
00-magic.png Magic attacks hit Armor before reducing Health.
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Evens Stevens
Only Monsters with even Mana costs may be used in battles.

Opponent's Line- up


My Team


For this battle, we have the featured rule set Evens Stevens which only allows the use of even mana monsters but aside from that, we also have Lost Lefendaries which means we can't also use legendary monsters and Weak Magic that makes magic attack to go through armor first before it can damage the health. Given this conditions, I choose the following cards for my line- up:

  • Summoner: I used Quix the Devious for my summoner because it allows me to be able to use water and dragon monsters together which increases my options for monsters that got reduced by not being able to use legendary and odd monsters.

  • 1st Position: I used Arkemis the Bear for it is a tank that has the Protect ability to give +2 armor to all my monsters and Halving to cut the attack of my opponent in half. It also has Forcefield that cuts all damage that are more than 5 to 1 and Enrage which increases its speed and damage when it was damaged.

  • 2nd Position: I placed the Naga Assasin as she only cost 2 mana and gives speed bonus to all my monsters with Swiftness while it has the Backfire to deal damage if an attack on it was missed.

  • 3rd Position: I used Merdhampir that has Snare to remove any Flying abilities of the target while its combo of Cripple and Life Leech allows it to reduce the health of the target while also gaining additional health each time it attacks.

  • 4th Position: I placed Deeplurker to attack monsters with the lowest health as it has Opportunity and to likely afflict them with Poison. Its Demoralize will help to reduce the melee damage of the opponent.

  • 5th Position: I used Kulu Swimhunter cause even if it does not have any abilities, it has decent damage for only 4 mana cost.

  • 6th Position: I placed Wave Brood as its Taunt makes it the target of all abled attacks while it got Return Fire to reflect range damage towards the attacker and Void to reduce magic damage.

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Revealing Battle Secrets


Pre- battle Phase: Applying ability buffs and de- buffs

Round 1:


  • No monsters has been defeated on this round but the Supply Runner and Kullu Swimhunter of the opponent received Return Fire danage from Wave Brood when they attacked and Supply Runner received additional attack and Poision affliction from my Deeplurker, turning its health to 1.

  • Wave Brood sustained significant damage from the attacks which turn its health to 6 and it also got afflicted of Poison by the opponent.

  • Melee and Ranged attacks towards Deiemonshark reduces all of its armor and turns its health to 6 while it also got its damage half by Arkemis the Bear.

Round 2:


  • At the start of round 2, Supply Runner gets defeated by Poison damage while Wave Brood also received 2 damage from it.

  • Diemonshark attacks Arkemis the Bear which triggered the Enrage ability and turns its speed to 6 and damage to 5. After that, it attacks Diemonshark and defeats it.

  • The opponent's Kulu Swimhunter was defeated by my Deeplurker while the opponent Deeplurker defeats Wave Brood.

  • Venari Spellsmith attacks Arkemis the Bear for 2 damage and Cleanse the speed buff from Naga Assasin while Djinn Chwala attacks for another 3 damage.

Round 3:


  • Range attacks from Naga Assassin and Kulu Swimhunter removes the armor of Djinn Chwala

  • Arkemis the Bear attacks Djinn Chwala for 5 damage and half its attack so even if its Enrage was activated, it only has 2 damage but the catch is that Arkemis the Bear received 2 Thorns damage from it.

  • Djinn Chwala was then attacked by Merdhampir and finally ended by Deeplurker whose armor was reduced to 0 due to Thorns.

  • The opponent Deeplurker defeats Arkemis the Bearwhich removes all my remaining armors.

  • Venari Spellsmith attacks ** Naga Assassin** for 2 damage and Cleanse its speed boots.

Round 4 and 5:


  • Range attacks have reduced the health of Deeplurker which was enough for my Deeplurker to defeat it.

  • Venari Spellsmith attack for another 2 damage.


But as Venari Spellsmith was the only monster that was left to the side of the opponent and it was not fast enough to attack, range attacks from Kulu Swimhunter and Merdhampir was enough to beat it and ends the match in my win.

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Battle Recap

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at 3speak or in Splinterlands.

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Did your Strategy Work?

My strategy works well within this battle. Although my opponent anticipated that I would use more range cards, I was still able to prevail with the healp of Wave Brood with its huge health that took more attacks before beaten and the additional armor ny Arkemis the Bear so that my attacks was able to defeat the opponent.

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Previous Battles

back to basics.pngBriar Patch.pngBroken Arrows_banner.pngClose Range.png
To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

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