No Skill? Don't Worry, the Summoner gets You Covered.

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Hello there! @Saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

I'm here for this week's Battle Mage Secrets with the featured rule set Back to Basics. It is a rule set that disables all the abilities of monsters in play but this does not cover for summoner abilities.

The Battle that I will show to you this week was from my @crimepoet with a borrowed Diamond level deck from NFTY Arcade and is currently playing on champion modern league and diamond wild league but before we proceed with battle, let us learn more about this rule set.

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back-to-basics_small.png Back to Basics back-to-basics_small.png

Rule Set Icon
  • Monsters lose all abilities.

  • The ruleset places importance on Magic and Ranged attacks as melee attacks loose their ability to hit outside of the first position.

  • The choice of summoner will be vital for this ruleset as monsters can gain additional abilities and stats that would not be affected by the rule set.

  • Back row monsters are safe from enemy's Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity attacks.

  • Select monsters with high speed and choose a summoner that increases damage or defense against Magic or Ranged attacks.

  • Lining up monsters in ascending order of their health is the way to go.

  • The levels of summoners and monsters also greatly affects the outcome of the battle since the higher the level of the summoner and monsters are the higher the stats they have.

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Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup


Rule Set

05- Champion 1 Modern.png
Champion League
Modern Format
51 Mana Cap
Available Elements: 01- fire.png Fire, 3-Earth.png Earth, 5-Life.png Life
Close Range
Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
Monsters do not have any armor and do not get armor from Abilities or Summoner Buffs.
Back to Baisc
Monsters lose all abilities.

Opponent's Line- up


My Team


Conveniently rent or buy this team with my Peakmonster's Decks Lineup Link.


For this battle, we have the featured rule set Back to Basics for this weeks Battle Mage Secret which disables all the abilities of the monsters and Unprotected which removes all of their armor while Close Range gives range monsters the Close Range ability which is not cover by Back to Basics. Given this conditions, I choose the following line- up:

  • Summoner: Within all the summoners that I have acces, Conqueror Jacek was the one I choose since it gives +2 Speed on all monsters and gives the Scattershot and Piercing ability and since it was abilities given by the summoner, it will also cannot be disabled by Back to Basics rule set.

  • 1st Position: I used Coeurl Lurker for my tank since it has very huge amount of health, has good speed which can cause melee and range attacks to miss and can deal huge damage.

  • 2nd Position: I placed the Ifrit Rising for it has decent health so it can function as a secondary tank and deal magic damage on the opponent.

  • 3rd Position: I placed the Djinn Inferni as another magic attacker that despite its low health was very fast and can deal huge amount of magic damage.

  • 4th Position: I placed the Molten Ash Golem that was more appropriate as a secondary tank but not so fast and can just be defeated if not placed farther to the front and to also diversify my line up since the opponent also has scattershot and the attack randomness might hurt if I focus my low health monsters at the back.

  • 5th Position: I used Lava Launcher to which was but my heaviest range hitter with 5 damage but since it also has small health, I placed it at this position.

  • 6th Position: I placed Scavo Hireling as it rivals my fastest monsters in terms of speed but can also hit hard with 4 damage.

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Revealing Battle Secrets


Pre- battle Phase: Applying ability buffs and de- buffs

Round 1:


  • Right to the start of battle, ,my Djinn Inferni destroys the Djinn Inferni of the opponent with one hit which was followed by Forgotten One being destroyed by the combined attacks of Coeurl Lurker and Ifrit Rising.

  • A direct hit from my Lava Launcher also one- hit the opponent's Scavo Hireling.

Round 2:


  • Djinn Inferni and Scavo Hireling teams up to defeat the opponent's Lava Launcher

  • My Lava Launcher gives an end to the opponent's Ifrit Rising with a whooping 5 damage.

  • Coeurl Lurker did attack the opponent's Molten Ash Golem but it did not hit hard enough and the final blow was done by my Molten Ash Golem ending the battle only at the 2nd round of the battle.

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Battle Recap

Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at 3speak or in Splinterlands.

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Did your Strategy Work?

This battle was quite short and fast compared to most of the battles that I have shared before but in my opinion, this battle has utilized the use of monsters really well even when they do not have their individual abilities because they were disabled by Back to Basics. The use of Conqueror Jacek has allowed my monsters to be faster than their original stats and this allows them to be able to attack first and despite having almost the same lineup, the level difference between me and the opponent's team also contributes to the result which is me winning that battle.

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Previous Battles

FUkUE5bzkAZT3HzV5tJDiU2ik81PCd4JCyhWnRcDN8XJsVFY3UNB8DCcE6LUCDRUvyvUoo3aLUPBmJGupKAfv7ATxwCy4nyeD2VD2WCtTAvGCKVoMMu5JhzpLVmQBe4QoRqyq7sg1a3rdUq78mJ9S9sYKMSekFnL4g1c.pngDax Paragon.pngMagi Necrosi).pngDragon Jumper.png
Spirit Hoarder2.pngAim True.pngAim Less.pngArmored Up.png
To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

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