Vonak: The Rise Of Rebellion Rare Rewards Pt.2



Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

Within my few previous post, I have been analyzing the new Rebellion Soulbound Rewards and how they could be used in battles along with what summoners and rulesets they would shine. There are some that I find really useful while there are some that I find underwhelming. That said, it has the new rewards has bring a new set of strategies to the game and learning through those possible strategies is the goal of this post which will focus on the Rare Earth and Death Rebellion Soulbound Rewards.


Rare Earth and Death Rebellion Soulbound Rewards

Mana Cost3
Element3-Earth.png Earth
Card Type00-magic.png Magic
AbilitiesLvl 1- reflection shield.png Reflection Shield
Lvl 4- strengthen.png Stregnthen
Lvl 8- triage.png Triage
Max Power (RF)2,415
Max Power (GF)11,550
Revealed By- @ank2020

Thunderhoof Nomad was a 3- mana magic unit which comes with the Reflection Shield ability at level 1, that makes it immune to blast and reflected damage while at level 4, it gains Strengthen which increases the health of all allied units as long as this card remains on the field and at max level, gains Triage that allows it to heal backline units that receive damage. Looking at its stats and abilities, it was like a mini version of Djinn Renova for but better with Reflection Shield so even when a monster next to it was attacked during Explosive Weaponry ruleset or by an opponent with Blast, it will not received any damage which makes it good to place next to units with Taunt such as Mycelic Slipspawn or even with Iziar when playing with a dual element summoner with Life and Earth Attribute. At the same time, it won't get damage due to Magic Reflect or even in Counterspell ruleset and since it only has 4 mana, it will always be available for Little League ruleset or even on Wands Out ruleset with limited amount of mana cap, while using Obsidian to boost its magic damage. It would also be extremely useful with Eternal Tofu that also gives Triage to one ally unit like imagine placing it together with Inevitable, Djinn Renova and Queen Mycelia while providing heal to Iziar. As long as there was no opponent with Affliction, we can go with this lineup by sustaining all the damage it receive while slowly chirping away the health of the opponent.

Mana Cost8
Element3-Earth.png Earth
Card Type00-ranged.png Range
AbilitiesLvl 1- close range.png Close Range
Lvl 2- thorns.png Thorns
Lvl 4- ability void.png Void
Lvl 8- bloodlust.png Bloodlust
Max Power (RF)2,415
Max Power (GF)11,550
Revealed By@ducecrypto

The next card, Quilliun Legionary, was an 8- mana range unit which at level 1, has the Close Range ability, making it able to attack even at the first position while at level 2, it gains Thorns that will inflict damage on melee units that will attack this card. It also has Void at level 4 that can reduce the magic damage it receives while at max level, it gets Bloodlust that will allow to increase all of its stats if it was able to defeat the opponent. It has huge health and also has some armor which can make it either as a frontline tank as it can still attack in that position or at the back to tank sneak attacks while reducing the health of the opponent with Thorns. That said, it was slow and does not have much damage though if it can defeat its target, its could increase its stats with the help of Bloodlust so maybe to ensure that it can attack its target without fail, use Risqruel Drath to give it True Strike and Impede. For rulesets, it could work as a tank for either Keep Your Distance or Going the Distance as it can reduce magic attack and attack at the first position and since it was slow, it can be a good option during Reverse Speed Ruleset.

Mana Cost7
Element4-Death.png Death
Card Type00-ranged.png Range
AbilitiesLvl 1- Impede.png Impede
Lvl 4- slow.png Slow
Lvl 5 - reflection shield.png Reflection Shield
Lvl 8- redemption.png Redemption
Max Power (RF)2,415
Max Power (GF)11,550
Revealed By@The10legmulti

For the next card, we have Meriput Slinger which is a 7 mana range unit with the new ability Impede at level 1 that reduces the speed of the target for every successful attack while it also has Slow at level 4 that reduces the speed of all opponent units as long as this card remains at play. At level 5, it gains Reflection Shield, making it immune to Blast and Return Fire damage and when gains Redemption at max level that will inflict 1 damage on all opponent units when this card was defeated. This makes it good to place next to Wave Brood when used together with Cryptic which is a summoner with both Water and Death attributes that also gives Blind and reduces the opponent speed by -1. It could also do good played with the summoner Astra Entity as its Slow and Impede, together with Dodge will make it harder for the opponent to hit their target. It's Reflection Shield would also make it a good card to have during Fire and Regret ruleset or even when fighting against an opponent that uses Ilthain for its summoner.

Mana Cost4
Element4-Death.png Death
Card Type00-magic.png Magic
AbilitiesLvl 1- demoralize.png Demoralize
Lvl 3- magic reflect.png Magic Reflect
Lvl 8- ability void.png Void
Max Power (RF)2,415
Max Power (GF)11,550
Revealed By- @jaopalas

For the last card of this batch, we have Dark Arborist which is a 4- mana magic unit. It has the Demoralize ability at level 1 which reduces the damage of all melee as well as Magic Reflect at level 3 that returns the magic damage to the opponent and Void at max level that reduces the magic damage it receives. With 4 mana, it will always be a card option for Little League or even with Wands Out with low mana cap and with the use of Thadius Brood and this card together, they will be able to debuff the magic attacks of the opponent while also reflecting their damage to them that can be increased if there was a unit with Amplify or Up To Eleven ruleset was in play.


Final Thoughts

We are almost half of the season and I am already been seeing this new Rebellion cards being used in battle as well as used them in my matches, particularly Thunderhoof Nomad and Dark Arborist on Low mana battles that both begins to be interesting once they reached level 4. I have not seen much of the other two but I believe they could also offer interesting strategies once they get their 3rd ability and with that, I end the second part of my analysis for the rare rebellion rewards.

Once again I would like to express my gratitude to everyone in the community that helps in sharing the information about the cards.

Thank you and see you at the next post.

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All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands and Soulkeep.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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