Opening 50 Gladius Case


Hello there! @saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

Aside from ranked battles, another way of earning SPS was to participate in Guild Brawls, that is if you were a member of a guild. But aside from SPS, participating on Brawls would award players with merits which they could use to buy Gladius packs that contains a set of monsters with a specific ability called Bloodlust that will boost all the stats of that monster when they defeat their opponent which makes the ability extremely powerful when used accordingly. Previously, they can only be used on brawls but now, they can also be used in ranked battles under the "Are You Entertained Yet" ruleset or by using summoners with "Conscript" ability while merits can also no be bought using Glint on the Gwen's Glint Shop that makes collecting them easier and just today, I used 100k of merits to purchase 50 Gladius Packs on my @agonyaccepted account .


Purchasing Gladius Packs


Playing now by more than 2 years, I was able to level up my Gladius cards significantly but as their level increases, the harder it is to level them up as the BCX of cards that was needed to increase their level also increases, making it more time efficient to open packs on more quantities. And finally, after participating on some guild brawls and purchasing chest on the Glint shop, I was finally able to save 100k merits and with this balance, I can purchase a total of 50 Gladius packs with each pack worth 2k merits.


Once the purchase has been made, the packs will be transferred to the Mana Well where the packs will be opened. I can use Blood Stone and Power Stone to increase the chance to get better rarity and gold foil cards but they comes with a separate cost so I decided that I am ok without them and I proceed with opening all 50 Gladius packs which comes me with the following.

Click to watch Replay

I did not get any legendary cards, but I do get 10 BCX of epic cards and 4 gold foil cards but since my regular foil cards have higher level, it does not made much sense to keep gold foil cards so they will be rather burned to get some of my merits back. On the other hand I was able to level up the following cards.


I was able to increase the level of of 8 common cards from level 6 to level 7 while the rare falls between level 5-6 and epics within level 3- 4 which is really significant as they are now within gold league territory but their stats and abilities also increases significantly. However, it will still take time for me to fully max my Gladius cards as I barely even have to level the legendary cards and some of them are still missing.



Final Thoughts

I have used up all the merits in my account to buy gladius packs and it will take a while for me to buy packs again. But the results this time were quite satisfactory with many of my cards becoming stronger. I also like the new UI for combining cards as it shows how the cards from before and after it level up. Will try to make a follow up when I open packs in the future.

Thank you and see you at the next post.

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All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands and Soulkeep.

Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards.

All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

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