Battle Mages Secrets_AIMLESS

Hello Battle MAges
I welcome you all to a new era after the transition from share your battle challenge to battle mages secret, a slight shift from discussing monsters to discussing rule set and strategy. Of course, when it comes to splinterlands, the right ideas are always in place and this new transition will help explain our monster choices on a specific game rule set.

To join the weekly Battle Mages Secrets, please visit the splinterlands community to get acquainted with the rules and regulations required for participation.

On a personal thought, I think this new rule set-focused challenge extends one playtime of splinterlands game because unlike the share your battle challenge where one goes ahead to use the listed monster, here you have to wait until the system brings the rule set required for the weekly challenge creative post.

"Let's take a look at the aimless rule set and how to go around it."

AlMLESS Set Rule

All Monsters have the scattershot ability

As the name implies, the scattershot set rule is no respecter of any rule at all. In splinterlands strategic gameplay, players can select some specific monsters to distract their opponents. Monsters with taunt ability are a good example of such required for the role of distraction, however, with scattershot gameplay, no ability is respected and order of attack is done randomly

Choosing the Right Strategy for Scattershot Rule set

  • Consider using melee attack monsters of which most should have sneak ability and while doing this, summoners with the anti-magic and ranged ability might be the best choice. Why focus on melee sneak monster? Sneak monsters focus their attack on the opponent's back-line and even with this game-set rule, that doesn't change. Nevertheless, Melees might not be the best choice for this game rule set as a well-protected lineup of magic monsters with a high number of damages will take them out in just a few rounds

  • This second option seems to be my favorite. The use of magic monsters lineup. Aside from monsters with piercing abilities, magic monsters are the only ones that can penetrate monsters' health without going through the armor. Although monsters and summoners with void armor ability can turn the battlefield into a nightmare for magic monsters, but for some reasons, magic monsters always triumph

  • Ranged attack monster might make a good third option but that depends on the opponent they come across. In the strategy of using ranged monsters, it is better to opt for an anti-magic summoner and if mana permit, include a monster with the demoralizing ability this will help reduce the magic and melee attacks effect on friendly monsters.

The Battle

Battle Details
Mana Cap15
Available ElementsFire, Water, Life & Death
Battling ElementsWater Vs Life

Watch Battle Here

This is a battle of three friendly monsters of the water element against six enemy monsters of the life element. The battle was fought and won in the ninth round using magic based strategy

Battle Team Selection


This summoner choice is Alric, and this is because the strategy required a magic enhancer summoner. Among the elements that were made available, the water element happened to be the one that has such a summoner with magic enhancing ability

At times it's not all about a great defender but a great sacrifice for the greater good. Strange as it may look, this monster was positioned in the front not that it can attack from there rather its death will strengthen the monsters adjacent to it. Remember the entire idea was to attack with magic and anything that will help that magic is entirely accepted. Having gotten plus one magic damage from the summoner, the martyr ability of this monster was another form to get an additional plus one magic damage.

This was the intended main fighting monster on the team. To counter magic damage, it has the void ability. The summoner and sacrifice of Marksrat upgraded its magic damage to four which was enough to take out all six of the enemy's monsters.

The inclusion of this monster in the battlefield was as a result of the search of a suitable single mana monster capable of taking at least two hits before being eliminated. Stonefish was that monster because it has armor which delayed the attack on the main fighting monster Djinn.

That will be all for this week. Please join me next week for another battle challenge same place.

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