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DAO Counter Proposal: Sell Land Potions Only in DEC and Give These Funds to the DAO to Add Liquidity to the SPS:DEC and DEC:HIVE LPs


Proposal Payment

This a counter proposal to this proposal: @splinterlands/sps-governance-proposal-boost-land-survey-chances-by-burning-decdec-b that states land potions will be sold for 10k DEC or DECB and these tokens will be burned.

And a proposal to: Sell land potions only in DEC and take up to 1.5 Billion DEC from the land potion sale proceeds (10,000 DEC x 150,000 land plots) to be given to the SPS.DAO and divided 50/50 to pair up to 15M SPS to the DEC:SPS Liquidity pool and 1.2M HIVE in the DEC:HIVE LP (with HIVE to be targeted at a later date for acquisition). If HIVE acquisition becomes difficult a vote to increase the SPS:DEC positions may be possible in the future. Splinterlands posts are now providing the SPS.DAO HIVE from the posts it creates instead of burning them, which will provide the SPS.DAO some HIVE but not enough to rapidly pair it with this DEC.


The SPS.DAO currently has roughly 60M SPS not being utilized to grow the treasury.There are significant SPS rewards being given out to liquidity providers that the SPS.DAO could be capturing to grow the treasury. In the future the SPS.DAO will need to support these liquidity pools to help support the game as investors leave when rewards are no longer provided. The problem is the SPS.DAO currently lacks the tokens to support these LPs without selling SPS which the community would like to avoid. Two of the major reward paying LPs are DEC:SPS and DEC:HIVE. In order for the SPS.DAO to acquire DEC to fund these it needs large amounts of DEC.

There is significant push-back on the idea of land potions. Many players would like there to be a greater reason to spend an additional expense on land. As many of us are SPS owners and thus beneficiaries of the the DAO this is an excellent opportunity to assist the DAO in its long-term goals while at the same time seeing a potential immediate benefit of land potions.

I do not see us getting very many opportunities to acquire 1B+ DEC the SPS.DAO needs for this purpose unless we at some point vote to sell Riftwatchers packs for DEC, which many players seem against.

Potential Issues

This is the first attempt to counter an ongoing proposal that has not come up for vote which has untested logistical issues. The player base either needs to decide to vote against the original proposal or both of these proposals need to be run at the same time and the one with a higher passing vote gets implemented. This is a test of this functionality as well for future SPS.DAO proposals.

While the original proposal has the DEC/DECB burned, these DEC will be essentially locked for 4+ years which has very similar short-term consequences. Many players may want this DEC burned which is a point of contention. This also does not give immediate utility to DECB, but I feel the long-term favors this decision. The SPS.DAO can either hold these indefinitely or choose to sell some when the DEC environment is much more favorable (additional potential future SPS.DAO benefits). With the addition of DECB this now puts up to 2B DEC + an additional 1.5B DEC pressure on the markets.

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