SPS Governance Proposal - Boost Land Survey Chances By Burning DEC/DEC-B


As most of you already know, the Splinterlands team is working on the land surveying feature which will allow players who own land deeds to survey their land and determine the terrain type, rarity, resources, and special buildings that their land contains.

This proposal being put to a vote by the SPS stakeholder community will allow players surveying their land to pay 10,000 (10k) DEC tokens (roughly $6 at current prices) OR 10,000 (10k) DEC-B tokens per plot surveyed in order to gain double the normal chances of getting Rare, Epic, and Legendary plots as well as double the normal chance of getting a magical or an occupied plot. Please note that this will be one single option/payment to boost BOTH the chances of getting a more rare plot and the chances of getting more rare resources. All tokens spent for the land survey bonus would be burned.

For some context, there are 150k total land plots in existence. Let's assume that 100k of those get surveyed within a few months of surveying going live and choose to get the bonus. Let's also assume that it is almost entirely paid for with DEC-B (since it would be the cheaper option) and that half of the DEC-B used for the land survey boost was bought with DEC and half was bought with VOUCHER tokens. In this scenario we will have 400M DEC burned (about 6.6% of the total supply) and 2.5M VOUCHERs burned (about 35% of the total supply) just on the land survey bonus alone.

Please note that we intend to have minimum guarantees for the number of plots of each rarity and the number of plots that have a magical resource or are occupied within each Tract. This means that within each Tract of land, there will be a minimum guaranteed number of Rare plots, Epic plots, Legendary plots, plots with a Magical resource, and Occupied plots. If the boost is purchased to survey all plots within a Tract in a single transaction, then the minimum guaranteed amounts will be doubled for that Tract.

The SPS token economy is based almost entirely around there being significant demand for both the DEC and VOUCHER tokens, which primarily comes from the utility of those tokens within the Splinterlands game. While we expect the land expansion, among a number of other features, to provide significant DEC and VOUCHER sinks in the future, those changes are not likely to be available until later in the year. Land surveying, however, is expected out within the next couple of months and we feel that the land survey boost concept provides a great opportunity for the increased utility of DEC and VOUCHER tokens within the game to begin sooner rather than later, while also taking up to half of all DEC-B tokens available in the first sale out of the system.

Generally, we feel that it is extremely important that new sinks for both DEC and VOUCHER tokens are continually added into the Splinterlands game where appropriate, and we are asking for the support of the community to do so. We see only upside for SPS token holders from this proposal.

For those staked SPS holders who are also land holders, we encourage you to consider the long-term value and utility of your tokens over a short-term additional cost. Especially considering that, through the DEC-B mechanism, large staked SPS holders will likely have enough VOUCHER tokens to cover the majority - if not all - of the land survey bonus costs, effectively making it free (which is one of the intended benefits for staking SPS).

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