Share Your Battle Challenge with Giveaway! Dragons!



One very prevalent fixture of fairy tales and modern fantasy films and fiction is the all-powerful presence of the mighty dragon. Immense, unstoppable, and truly terrifying, these terrible lizards are like something out of a nightmare, and one may feel comforted that they exist only in the world of the imagination. Or do they? For centuries there have been numerous accounts that treat these fierce monsters as very real, and from back in the dark corners of time all the way up to the present there are those who claim that the dragons of lore are much more than just legend and myth.

If you want to read more about the history of Dragons just follow this link and you will have more.


Dragons are my all time favorite creatures. In Splinterlands they are pretty strong, usually they have high health โค๏ธ, strong attacks ๐Ÿนโš”๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฎ and they are rather expensive! ๐Ÿค‘ They are so versatile that it is very difficult to counter any of them. The Dragon Splinter has the most amount of heroes in the game, because they have 12 different Summoners.

It is a fun to play with them and that is why I love them. Unfortunately I came late to the Splinterlands world and I missed the opportuunity to acquire any of the Dragons, but I hope this will change as the game evolves. ๐Ÿ˜Š




Let's see his stats and abilities on all levels.


The Djinn Chwala is not a Dragon of sort, but he has a trully special place within the Dragon Splinter. He is so good especially in lower Leagues that I had to buy a Gold Version of him. The cost of 8 is not so bad as a main tank and in exchange he received a huge Health Pool โค๏ธ and some armor to gain some sustain against his enemies.

His most important ability is Thorn, which he receives from Level 1. This ability allows him to deal some damage (usually 2) back to the attacker when hit with a Melee attack. โš”๏ธ In a low level fights or in Up Close & Personal rulesets he has a huge advantage over any other tanks.



Reverse SpeedMonsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.
Lost MagicMonsters with Magic attack may not be used in battles.


My lineup and the decision behind it!

Delwyn Dragonscale


Picking Delwyn was not the best option in this fight, because one of the ruleset was Lost Magic, so I can not bring any magic creature. Although I was playing Water Deck, because of my daily focus, so it was clear to me to take Delwyn to support that. I could not use his +1 Magic ๐Ÿ”ฎ ability, but at least I could use my higher level monsters.


Main Tank
Djinn Chwala


I already explained a bit why Djinn Chwala is a great card, but in this fight I choosed him, because of the Lost Magic ruleset. His biggest enemy is Magic Creatures, so without them it was an easy choice for me. ๐Ÿ˜‡

He is an excellent all around monster and capable of doing some great damage.

Robo-Dragon Knight


The Robo-Dragon Knight is a beast, because his stats are awesome. His high Health โค๏ธ and Armor ๐Ÿ›ก enables him to stay in the fight for very long time. The Divine Shield gives him one extra block of any kind of attack and the Void will reduce the Magic Attacks against him by one. (The Void was pointless in this fight. ๐Ÿ˜Š)


Damage Dealer


One of my favorite ranged creature in the whole game is the Axemaster. His Double Strike is amazing and it destroys his enemies fairly quickly. Usually I rent him on Level 3 or above, because he receives an extra damage, so he can damage 2 * 3 in one round. ๐Ÿ’ช His high speed allows him not to miss too much time, but in the Reverse Speed ruleset might be a pain. ๐Ÿคฃ


Tank Healer
Crustacean King


The Crustacean King is mainly a Healer, but on higher Levels he receives 1 Ranged attack as well, which is pretty good. I rented him in a Gold Version to benefit from the 10% gain from every winning battle ๐Ÿค‘, because he is almost auto include in any team I am building. His heals helps a lot to the creature at the tank position to withstand the continous attacks from the enemy team.


Back Line Killer
Sand Worm


The Sand Worm is quite expensive with its 9 mana cost, but if you find a good spot for him he will be well worth it. His most important ability is Sneak, which targets the last Monster on the enemy team instead of the first Monster. Usually the 1 Speed is quite bad , but in the Reverse Speed ruleset this changes and he will be one of the quickest monster. ๐Ÿ˜œ


Wave Brood


I never really used the Wave Brood before, but I start to realise how useful he might be. His most important ability is Taunt, which makes all the enemy Monsters target this Monster (if they are able to). It helps a lot protecting my team, because the first 3-4 attack will go on this creature and he will buy time for the rest of my team to deal damage. ๐Ÿ˜Œ




Click on the picture for the replay


I have to be honest I was very surprised how the battle turned out to be. When I saw my opponent and his high level creatures I didn't give any chance to myself.

Soon I realised my opponent made a huge mistake, because he completely ignored the fact that one of the ruleset was Reverse Speed. He brought Kelya whom raises the speed of his creatures by one and he brought only speedy cratures. My low speed creatures (except the Axemaster) shined in the battle and the creatures of my opponent missed a lot. ๐Ÿ‘€ (8 times if I want to be precise!)

This mistake of my opponent changed the outcome of the battle significantly and allow me to win this fight! ๐Ÿ˜‡

Giveaway Time!

I love giveaways as I personally think it is a very good way to reward those people in the community who are willing to read and support others contents.

So, I will run a raffle and the prize will be a Twillight Basilisk.


The Winner ๐Ÿ‘‘ will be chosen and notified when this post pays out and will be chosen with this tool.

In order to participate just need a comment. Any upvote, re-blog, tips are not necessary, but it is much appreciated.

And let's see who won the Silent Sha-vi from my previous Battle Challenge post.


The Winner is @edgerik, Congratulations and thank you to everyone who was participated.



I like to help new players ๐Ÿ˜‰, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up, write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Thank you so much ๐Ÿ™ that you took the time to read my Weekly Battle Challenge.
I hope it was informative and you liked it. ๐Ÿคž

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