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Share Your Battle Challenge with Giveaway! Gargoya Scrapper!



When the Chaos Legion entered the Splinterlands through the rift in Mount Praetorius and laid to ruin the great castle of the Gargoya, many of the stone gargoyles fled across the sea and scattered to other continents. However, some remained in the rubble, searching for a way to rebuild their kingdom. These became known as Scrappers.

Scrappers despise the Chaos Legion for destroying their home. Now, they seek the knowledge to create more of their kind and, using what they learn, build more Gargoya. Across the Splinterlands, they have established workstations to grow their numbers and advance their culture, creating Gargoyas of countless sizes and varieties.

Their ultimate goal is to avenge their fallen brethren, rebuild their home, and see to the defeat of the Chaos Legion.


Usually I am playing only Lorna and her sneaker gang, when I have to use the White Splinter, but it was before the new reward update came out. The new focus system allows me to focus 😁 on only one Splinter engaging their full power! This week the Battle Challenge is the Gargoya Scrapper whom I really never used before, so it was really interesting to try to include in my team. 😊




Let's see his stats and abilities on all levels.


The Gargoya Scrapper is a very cheap card either on the market and the mana cost of him. Costing only 1 mana, so it means it is a perfect card as a filler and to further increase the your reward in the new system. He receives Void ability (Reduced damage from Magic attacks.) from level 2, but his HP ❤️ is so low that it doesn't really change much.

Renting him is very cheap and it is worth to pick up the Golden version of him to increase the DEC and Reward Share from your winning battles. 🤑


I wouldn't consider to buy the regular foil version of it as it gives nothing apart from the fact that he can eat a bullet, but the price of a gold foil is under a dollar, which might come in handy in winning battles.




EqualizerThe initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.
Odd Ones OutOnly Monsters with odd Mana costs may be used in battles.


My lineup and the decision behind it!

The Peakrider


I never played with this Summoner before as it was always expensive, but this time I was very lucky to rent him only for 50 DEC. When I saw my White Focus I have decided to paly with General Sloan and his rangers, but using The Peakrider is game changing. Even though I rented a Level 8 Sloan I rarely used him, because The Peakrider outperforms Sloan in every way. 😉

The Peakrider gives -1 Ranged 🏹 attack to all of his enemies and +3 Armor 🛡 to all of his friendly creatures, which is an amazing boost to protect them!


Gargoya Scrapper

The basic Gargoya Scrapper without any ruleset is quite weak, but I took advantage of the Equalizer ruleset, which boosted his Health ❤️ to 5 and The Peakrider give him +3 Armor 🛡 as well. The result was amazing, because he usually dies from one shot. In my case he survived 5 attack, before he went down, which is an outstanding performance from a 1 mana cost creature.

Well Done Gargoya!!! 👍


Blinding Reflector

The Blinding Reflector served as an off-tank in this fight to further protect my backline giving them enough time to damage down my creatures of my opponent. He is quite cheap to rent in a golden version, which is an amazing investment to get the maximum out of every winning fight. 🤑

The Magic Reflect is an excellent addition to this creature, because when it is hit with Magic damage 🔮, it does reduced Magic damage back to the attacker.



The Uraeus is a great card, because he can quickly remove the high damage backline of the opponent team thanks to his Sneak ability. On Level 4 he receives Posion, so all of his attacks have a chance to apply poison, which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied. 🤢 (Usually 2 in every end of the round.)


Silvershield Assassin

The Silvershield Assassin is the main backline killer in this setup. Paired with the Uraeus she is capable to destroy the enemy backline in a few rounds. The Double Strike ability allows her to attack twice in the same round and the additional Posion is the cherry on top. 🍒


Stitch Leech

The Stitch Leech on Level 6 is quite new for me, because usually I play in Silver League, so I was very surprised to see that this bad boy has the Life Leech ability, which health increases each time it damages an enemy Monster's health in proportion to the damage dealt. Sounds amazing and in practice it is pretty insane! 😍


Enchanted Pixie

The Enchanted Pixie was a new addition as well, because I never imagined that she will give Inspire to every creature in her team on Level 5. The Inspire increases the Melee ⚔️ attack damage to all of her friendly creatures by one. She was quite expensive to rent, but weell worth it! 😊



Click on the picture for the replay


The battle went according to my plan killing the enemy backline quick enough, before my tanks will fall. The Gargoya Scrapper and the Blinding Reflector worked hand in hand to stop the enemy team reaching my backliner. Like I said before The Peakrider made a huge impact on this fight, because his abilities was inevitable to secure the win. 🙏

Unfortunately it will be very difficult to rent him again, because the current price for him was over 300 DEC and I rented everyone for about 530 DEC doing this focus. Hopefully I will be lucky again to put my hands on him for another fight! I trully love him! 😍


Giveaway Time!

I love giveaways as I personally think it is a very good way to reward those people in the community who are willing to read and support others contents.

So, I will run a raffle and the prize will be a Gargoya Scrapper.


The Winner 👑 will be chosen and notified when this post pays out and will be chosen with this tool.

In order to participate just need a comment. Any upvote, re-blog, tips are not necessary, but it is much appreciated.

And let's see who won the Venari Knifer 🕐 from my previous Battle Challenge post.


The Winner is @edgerik, Congratulations and thank you to everyone who was participated.



I like to help new players 😉, so if you are just starting this game and you can use my referral link to sign-up, write me a message on Discord (LordDiablooo#3750), so I will send you 100 DEC and few key cards (delegated for an entire season) to kick off your career in Splinterlands. 😊

Thank you so much 🙏 that you took the time to read my Weekly Battle Challenge.
I hope it was informative and you liked it. 🤞